9 ▪️▫️Prologue▫️▪️ 1st Full Day of Cleaning... Yay!!...!...

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After both Yuu and Grim left you went to the storage closet you found yesterday to grab out some cleaning supplies. To your luck the ghosts reappeared. “So you were assigned to clean the whole dorm today?” the chubby one asked. “Yep…” you said with minimal grumbling. “Hey, do y’all have names or…?” you asked, not wanting to keep referring to them based on their size. “Yeah” the skinny one replied, shocked. “I’m John,” the skinny one answered. “He’s Eric” John said pointing at the in-between sized one “And that’s Heracles” he said lastly, pointing to the chubby ghost then. 

“Nice to formally meet you. I’m Cleo.” you said. “Do you want any help cleaning?” Eric asked. “Yes! Definitely! I hate cleaning!” you replied enthusiastically. “And does this dorm have a speaker system?” you asked. “Of course! The speaker is hiding in one of those cabinets. I’ll go grab it.” Heracles said.

All of you headed back into the living room now with brooms, mops and more. After Heracles got out the speaker, you hooked up your phone, the one specifically reserved for work that Mori got for you, and started playing music as you all started cleaning. 

A few hours later

“Wow! It looks great!” you exclaimed. All of you had actually gotten along fabulously by the common task of cleaning the dorm. “Yeah! I had no idea the dorm was supposed to look this fancy!” Eric said. John, Eric and Heracles were all shocked and amazed by how beautiful the dorm looked when it wasn’t covered in a thick layer of dust. It honestly reminded you of what NCT 127’s song ‘Regular’ would look like in real life. 

Since it was way past noon, you headed out saying “Bye! I’ll see y’all later! I’m going to meet up with Yuu and Grim for lunch if they're still there.” Leaving the dorm, you realized that you had no clue where the cafeteria was… Oh well, you’d make it up as you go. 

Somehow finding Main Street you saw six beautiful statues and one scorched one. Looking a little bit closer you noticed they all looked like disney villains. Weird. But cool. There was one of Scar, Ursula, Jafar, the Evil Queen, Hades and Maleficent. The burnt one was of the Queen of Hearts. All iconic disney villains. Cool. You did wonder why the Queen of Hearts statute was charred though, it seemed a bit odd. 

Passing by them you headed into the school. You must’ve entered during class or lunch or something since there wasn’t anyone walking around. But then again, what do you know about school? You’ve never been, and plan to keep it that way. However, the universe seems against that goal.

After a while of walking you turned into one of the many hallways in the school. It was like they were trying to make you get lost, or you just have a really bad sense of direction. Following the twists and turns of the hallway, making a few of your own turns when you felt like it, you ended up in a circular chamber. The place had mirrors on each wall almost like doors. Each mirror had a different name to it. Interesting, heading back out of there you decided that if you came across it again you would do some more exploring.

Next, through your travels you somehow ended up in the Library. That was not where you were trying to go ethier. Hmph. It looks like this is going to be harder than you thought. After taking an interesting book called “I Haven’t a Clue” with the author’s name being the exact same as yours. Or at least the same as the name you went by. You refused to admit that your biological father was related to you. You left the library and continued your quest of trying to find the cafeteria.

Much later and finding literally all of the classrooms and no cafeteria you ended back up at the circular chamber of mirrors. Hearing yelling behind you, and wishing to have no part in it, you hopped through one of the mirrors. And yes, you mean through.

You gracefully landed on your feet on grass. It seemed as if the mirrors were portals. There was a banner on a light pole and it matched the name on the outside of the mirror, so you assumed the place must’ve been called Pomefiore. Didn’t really need a genius to figure that one out. What you surmised to be the dormitory itself was a beautiful castle-like structure. Though it didn’t have the charm your dorm did. You were not gonna change the outside. It looked really cool. Like a haunted mansion theme. Ah!!! That’s it! Your dorm could be based off of the Disney movie ‘The Haunted Mansion’! 

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