New World?

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"Yes sir." "Good. Now be off." You left the port mafia boss's office with haste.

After heading to your room cell and getting changed into your typical white long sleeved crop top and black high waisted baggy jeans paired high heeled black combat boots you left the headquarters building. At the sidewalk beyond the steps you pulled out your phone to verify what location your next mission was.


Silently you looked up. Oh what a mistake that was. A horse drawn carriage was in front of you. The horse appearing to be made out of the darkness itself... The carriage, well, it was also cloaked in darkness, but at least it was adorned with green and deep purple decorations. What actually didn't look out of place was the coffin laying down in the center of the open carriage.

Next you knew was darkness. Everything had turned black. It was like you were dreaming...

Ah, my lovely Lord,

The noble and beautiful flower of evil,

You are the most beautiful, number one in this world

A disembodied voice echoed. 'Am I dreaming?' You thought to yourself.

Then, as if on command, a mirror appeared. It looked to be upon a wall of green fog. A mask revealed itself in the mirror.

---For thee, guided by the Mirror of Darkness,

Follow thy heart and take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror

Flames that turn even stars into ashes,

Ice that imprison even time

Great tree that swallow even sky,

Don't be afraid of the power of darkness,

Come now, show your power.

Mine, theirs, and yours,

There's only little time left for us

Do not let go of that hand, at all costs.

The mirror spoke all.

How strange you thought. Me. Be afraid of darkness? Revealing my power? What BS.

And the stupidest of all, not letting go of someone's hand? As if I would rely on another...

Flower of Darkness Twisted Wonderland x BSD!ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora