12 ♥♠Roses Galore♣♦ Painting the Roses Red

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You had a bad feeling as you headed over to the Wonderland themed dorm. But it was a quick walk over there. Entering via mirror into the dorm, Ace, with tart in hand, said “Mmkay, just gotta hand him the tart and apologize and then…” “Yooo! You’re here. I’ve been waiting for, Me!” Cater? said. Oh, a duplication ability or cloning ability. Wait, you totally meant Unique Magic, not ability. There were no mind readers here, right?

“I’m back. Sorry for the wait, Me.” The Cater standing next to you said. The others however were very confused at the two Cater situation. “Th-There are two Caters?!” Deuce stuttered. “You have a twin?” Ace asked. The lack of observation skills and overall lack of intelligence would never hesitate to surprise you. 

“Nope, I’m the only brother of my family. This is my Unique Magic, ‘Split Card.’ I can use magic to make clones of myself.” Cater explained exactly what you had figured. Hey, with this there was a good chance that you’d be better at Dazai’s job than he was. “So this is why we couldn’t beat you no matter how many times we took you down…” Deuce observed. There must’ve been a battle between them at one point. Hm, it would be interesting to watch a magic battle sometime. 

“Welcome back~” a Cater dressed in a lab coat said. “And a hearty greeting to you, Prefect, Cleo.” a Cater dressed in fancy robes said next. “Ugh, my body’s aching! You guys are so late.” the first Cater who spoke, the one in a gym uniform, complained. “Uwah! There’s even more of them!” Ace exclaimed. 

“By the way, the real Cater here is yours truly. It gets pretty tiring to make copies like this, so I can’t keep it up for very long. Anyway, it’s off with our heads if we’re late. We don’t have enough people around, so give us a hand, would you? I’ll take you right to Riddle once we’re done.” the Cater in the gym uniform said. “More painting roses red?” Grim complained. You thought that kinda sounded like fun. But you could already tell that today was a Bad Luck day. The amount of times you almost tripped getting here was astronomical. 

“You’re really full of yourself!” Ace complained as well. “Let’s get started!” the real Cater said, ignoring all of the complaints. “Alright, I need all the other Me’s to take their own areas~!” the real Cater ordered. The other Caters responded in a chorus of “Okay”, “Leave it to me!” or “Alright”. “You first years are gonna help me out with the trees in this area.” the real Cater said.

“I’m so tired of all this manual labor, though…” Ace continued to complain. “Nothing will start if you just stand around complaining. Just accept your fate.” Deuce grumbled back at Ace, tired of all of his complaining. “Let me just update Magicam before we get to work… is what I want to say, but let’s start before the flowers wilt~!” the real Cater said.

You, Ace and Yuu all grabbed a bucket of red paint and paintbrushes and started on the painting of the roses. You thought it was actually quite calming, or it would be without all of the complaining. 

“Red… red… hyah!” Deuce exclaimed, managing to get the roses the proper color. “Ooh, nice! If you keep that up, we might actually finish in time for the tea party.” Cater said. It would’ve been nice to know that you were on a time limit… “Anyone would be better at painting with how much we had to do it yesterday.” Ace grumbled. Ah, that explains the lack of burnt bushes and wrong colored roses. With them only beginner level magicians, you thought it was fair to call them awful at magic.

“Hrah! Hiya~!” Grim grunted with effort. It honestly kinda surprised you that even Grim was doing well with the painting. “Ahaha, Grim is also at the top of his game~” Cater said with a smile. He was probably just glad he didn’t have to do this all himself. 

A while later, it looked like the end was in sight. It was really fun painting the roses, but other things needed to get done. Like training and studying. Studying was going to more than likely be the bane of your existence, but if you could combine it with training, then it might just be slightly more enjoyable. You said slightly…

“Okay, this is the last rose! Turn red!” Deuce exclaimed. “Funya~ It was so hard, but somehow we got it all done.” Grim sighed in relief. Yuu looked just as relieved, or it might have just been gratefulness that Grim didn’t set anything on fire. “Cater, this is all fine, right?” Ace asked Cater to check his hand painted roses. Ace still didn’t look super happy about not being able to use magic though. “Let’s see~ Cay-Cay would score it… Full marks! Thanks for all your hard work, first years” Cater said. 

At least he thanked all of you for all the work you’ve done. Most of the time when you accomplish tasks back at home, you would receive a glance acknowledging the fact that, yes, you are still alive, before being shipped back out for another job. 

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