13 ♥♠Roses Galore♣♦Tart Problems

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“Huff huff… We did a lot better than yesterday!” Deuce commented looking back at all of the finally red rose bushes? trees? You weren’t entirely sure what they were, but the roses were at last completely red. “You did well~ Oops~ It’s almost time~ We’re all done, Squad Me!” Cater complemented the work that everyone did before unsummoning all of his clones.

After putting away all of the paint buckets and brushes, Yuu, Ace and you rejoined the group and headed towards the garden within the Heartslabyul Dorm. It was crowded to say the least. Tables were pushed together, or simply just shoved wherever there was room. Plus, not all of the chairs, nor plates, nor silverware matched. It was as crazy and unorganized as you remembered the animated movie being. 

After finding an emptyish table near the front? you all claimed seats. A few members of your group had specifically picked Trey out of the crowd so that you all could sit together. Soon thereafter, trumpets blared. Someone shouted “Make way for our great leader! The Crimson Ruler! Dorm Leader Riddle!” Immediately following, in forced voices everyone else left in the dorm shouted “Dorm Leader Riddle, hip hip hurray!” 

Walking forward, examining every little detail of the party, Riddle observed “The roses are red, and the tablecloths are white. A perfect Unbirthday Party. Very good. You made sure the dormouse is in the teapot, correct?” “Of course. The jam to put on its nose should the occasion call for it is also at the ready.” Trey responded to Riddle. “Wonderful.” Riddle replied back looking pleased at the whole situation.

“Whoa! Look at their outfits! They look so cool!” Grim exclaimed. “Heh heh, looks great, huh? That’s the Heartslabyul dorm attire! The style is on-point, making it totally Magicammable! Which, on that note, it’s time for me to change…” Waving his magic pen, Cater changed his outfit into the Heartslabyul dorm uniform.

“The Laws of the Queen of hearts decree that we have to dress formally on party days. Your kind senior will get you all suited up, too, as a special service.” Cater said right before he waved his magic pen again (and said bippity boppity boo) and changed all of your outfits. Yuu’s resembled the Heartslabyul dorm uniform along with Ace and Deuce. Grim just got a black and red striped collar in place of his normal one. 

You, on the other hand, were in a skirt. A literal skirt. With no shorts or anything underneath. How were you supposed to fight in case of a surprise attack in a freaking skirt!? The outfit itself wasn’t that bad. You wore a red and black button down shirt. It was split down the middle red and black. Over the top of that was a white vest rimmed with gold. The vest had tiny red rose buttons on it. The skirt was the bane of your current existence amongst other things. It was a mid thigh length pleated skirt with the top of it being a solid white and the rest being a red and black checkerboard pattern. Thankfully Cater hadn’t messed with your prized black high heeled boots. What? They made you taller. You liked being taller. 

“Oooh…!” Deuce gasped at seeing his outfit. “Whoa! Man, I look good! Don’t you think so Cleo?” Ace commented then asked you. You were too mad about the skirt to respond, so Ace dropped it after a while of silence. “Nyaha! We look awesome!” Grim commented afterwards. “Clothes make the man, they say.” Yuu said “And the lady.” He added on. You chose not to vocalize your hatred of being in a skirt. It was the most impractical clothing choice known to man, but did man know that? No. Men loved seeing women in skirts for some reason that you’d never know.

“Don’t forget about the tart for Riddle. Off to the party! Let's a go!” Cater said. Obviously he wasn’t observant enough to know how much you HATED the skirt. Not that you were trying to make your hatred known to everyone. If that was the case you’d simply just say something. But Cater was getting closer to the top of the list of people you hated in this world. Having the same list for both worlds wouldn’t highlight your annoyance of people quite as well. Currently the top of your list in Twisted Wonderland was Mr. Crowley. You didn’t see that changing anytime soon. Unless of course, someone else decided to be even more of a nuisance.

“Before the croquet match, a toast. You all have your teacups, I hope?” Riddle asked. Looking around at everyone, satisfied to see everyone with a teacup, he continued. “On this day which nobody’s birthday lands on, I toast to this Unbirthday Party! Cheers!” “Cheers!” Everyone else chimed in.

“Acey, don’t you think this is your chance?” Cater asked Ace. You had a terrible feeling about this… “All right, you can do this Ace… Excuse me, Dorm Leader.” Ace said, approaching Riddle. “You are… Ah, the first year who stole my tart.” Riddle said back. It was kinda impressive that he remembered everyone’s offense. “Umm, I would like to apologize for eating the tart before. So I baked a new one.” Ace said nervously. “Oh? I’m curious. What kind of tart?” Riddle asked Ace.

“A great question! It is a Mont Blanc made with only the freshest of chestnuts!” Ace responded, his mood doing a complete 180. But at the same time, so did Riddle’s. “A Mont Blanc?! UNBELIEVABLE!” Riddle screamed. “You what?” Ace asked, very confused. “Laws of the Queen of Hearts, No. 562. 'One must never bring a Mont Blanc to an Unbirthday Party.’ This is a grave violation! How could you do something like this?! The Unbirthday Party was perfect, and now you’ve completely ruined it!” Riddle complained.

And the award for dumbest fight goes to… nope, still goes to Dazai and Chuuya. Eh, this one made runner up you guess. But you figure that’s why you had such a bad feeling about this entire situation. “N-No. 562!?” Deuce questioned. You had been, and remain to be, completely calm about this entire situation. Growing up with imbeciles made you kinda immune to the stupid. “How many of these are there!? Does he have them all memorized?!” Yuu asked, completely baffled. 

“There are 810. I have every single one memorized. What kind of dorm leader would I be if I hadn’t?” Riddle informed everyone. Somehow, at this moment, you resisted the urge to burst out laughing. 810 stupid rules? And more than the creator following said 810 stupid rules? Oh this was true madness. And boy was it hilarious.

“Oh no, we’re so screwed. …Trey, did you know?” Cater asked Trey. Both of their faces were covered in a disappointed and guilty look. “I’ve only committed 350 to memory. I completely underestimated how far these went. I didn’t think there would even be rules about what kind of tart would be allowed…” Trey spoke with a downcast look. 

“As the Dorm Leader of Heartslabyul, the dorm built upon the strictness of the Queen of Hearts, I cannot simply close my eyes to this matter. Dispose of this Mont Blanc immediately! And throw these rule breakers out!” Riddle justified himself.

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