▪️▫️Prologue▫️▪️ The Ending of a Ceremony

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Riddle and Azul ran after Grim in an attempt to catch him. Yuu followed, feeling slightly responsible for this entire thing. 

As the chase was continuing on Azul was more focused on putting out some of the bigger sections of fire while Yuu and Riddle tried to catch Grim. 

You, on the other hand, stood there. It would be as easy as snapping your fingers to resolve this entire situation, but alas, the tiredness won. Instead of actually taking a nap though, you were kind of forced to watch the chaos unfold. You mean, after all, why would you purposely scorch such a pretty robe. Ya know, despite the cult like appearance this entire school has. But the main problem you had with actually helping was just that, helping. The Dark Mirror said something to you about revealing your power before you woke up here. Just out of pure spite you were going to put off the reveal of your ability for as long as humanly possible. 

Back with the chaos chase... 

Grim was finally corned into a spot. Riddle shouted at him waving his magic pen around "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" 

Yuu was very much visibly relieved by this. Grim could no longer create more fire to quicken the process of burning down the school. 

"Nygah! The heck is this!?" Grim complained about the red and black collar that Riddle had just magicked around his neck. 

You noticed the golden lock at the bottom of the collar. You wondered what key you would need to unlock it. Or was it only be magic that it could be removed? Anyways, it looked uncomfortable... 

"Laws of the Queen of Hearts: Number 23 "One shall never bring a cat into a festival." You being a cat means you've broken the rule. I shall have you leave at once." Riddle stated loud and clear to Grim. "I'm not a cat!! I'll burn this collar right up and... E-eh? I can't use my fire!" "Hmph! You won't be using any magic until I remove the collar. Just like an ordinary cat." "Wh-what?! I'm not some pet!" "Don't worry, I'd never keep a pet like you. I'll take it off anyway when you get thrown out." Riddle said lastly during the back and forth exchange between him and Grim. 

"Yeesh! That's a little harsh, don't ya think?" Yuu said to you. You had noticed him walking towards you, but he does seem persistent in trying to talk to you. Instead of replying, as a general theme you keep doing to practically everyone, you thought about the worst thing at the current moment. You were pretty sure by now that you were literally the only girl in an all boys school. And, to make matters worse, you didn't have a dorm room. It would make sense based on the sorting system that this is a boarding school. Eh, at least you weren't completely alone in not having a place to stay, Yuu didn't get a dormitory either. And it's not like you couldn't pay for stuff. You had no clue what the currency of this world was, probably not yen, but you figured you could find someone to convert currency. A certain someone from your old? workplace was missing a certain black card at the moment... Well it wasn't your fault that he left his wallet open for grabs on his desk. I mean especially with the rumours of a prankster, or was it a thief? not that it matters anyway right now. 

Zoning back into the current situation you just barely heard Azul say "Wow, as wonderful as ever. Any and all magic gets sealed by your Unique Magic, Riddle. I simply must have it... Err, I mean I wouldn't ever want that cast on me." 

Immediately your thoughts went to an old friend. 'Someone like Dazai exists here?' You figured it would be a good idea to know more about Riddle. While you weren't so wild about everyone having basic magic skills, it would be harder for them to compete with you with a very specific, unique magic was it called? You were considered a prodigy with your ability back in Yokohama. Not that you actually had any clue what your ability was actually called though. 

"You must do something about this! It is your familiar, after all! Properly disciplined... eh? It's not yours?" Crowley said to Yuu "How many times do I have to tell you? I've never seen it before." "Y-You did? (Ahem) Anyway, let's get it out of the school at any rate. We won't turn you into a stew. For I am gracious. Someone help, please." Crowley said with an embarrassed look in his eyes. 

Your eyes widened slightly at the fact that turning that poor, little, not innocent at all Grim into stew was an option. To say one won't do something means that it was an option... Yep, you are definitely in some sort of cult especially with the turned down animal sacrifices. Or was it just a crow thing? You knew that multiple crows were called a murder after all. 

Your inner monologue was cut short with Yuu saying to you "I kinda feel bad for him. I wonder why he was so desperate to stay here and become a student here. It doesn't really seem like that nice of a school..." 

Addressing everyone, Crowley announced "We had a bit of trouble along the way, but this brings the entrance ceremony to a close. Dormitory Heads, please show the new students back to the dormitories. ...Hm? Now that I think about it, I don't see the leader for Diasomnia, Mr. Draconian, around at all..." "That's no different from usual, is it?" the man with lion ears spoke up. 

You were honestly lowkey kinda jealous at those statements. Someone routinely got to avoid this chaos? Lucky... You mean, if you didn't set up the events, or personally involved in the crazy events what fun was it to show up to something. Especially when you didn't really care. 

"What? Did nobody tell him about the ceremony?" the boy with red eyes asked. "If you're going to complain, you should have done it yourself." The handsome man stated. "Hmmm. But I don't really know anything about that guy." Honestly, you kinda wished no one was wearing their hood. The voices of all of these guys made them sound really cute. Then you remembered, you were the only girl here... That would cause an uproar, and not the fun kind of uproar... And the whole no personal attachments to innocent civilians thing you had to abide to... 

All around you there were people muttering after those last comments "By Draconia... Do they mean 'that' Malleus Draconia?" "So he really is attending this school." "Scary..." 

Then the doors opened again. They revealed a boy with pink stripes in his hair. "Oh, I knew it. I came here to check if my suspicion was right, and sure enough Malleus isn't around. It seems the invitation 'never arrived' again, didn't it?" Azul quickly apologized "My deepest apologies. I promise, we didn't intend to exclude you." Riddle backed Azul up with "His aura makes it hard to approach him." The partially pink haired boy sighed and replied to them "It's fine. Members of the Diasomnia Dormitory can come with me. ...I hope this doesn't upset him..." 

After everyone left Mr. Crowley turned to us and spoke "Then, Yuu, and Cleo was it? I'm terribly sorry about this but... We must have you leave the school. Those without any talent for magic and those who the Dark Mirror refuse to sort cannot be allowed to attend class here. Not to worry. The Dark Mirror will send you directly back from whence you came. Enter the gate, and picture your home clearly in your mind..." "Phew... This was a long dream." Yuu said as both of you walked back in front of the Dark Mirror again. "Oh, Dark Mirror! Guide these boys back to the place in whence they belong!" Crowley said to the mirror. The mirror didn't respond. You thought it might be mad at Crowley for getting rid of two students that the mirror itself chose out for this school year. Crowley tried again "Once more. Oh, Dark Mirror! Guide this o..." "It is nowhere" the mirror interrupted. "What?" Crowley asked, clearly confused and taken aback. "The place they belong is nowhere in this world... It does not exist." The mirror elaborated giving the awkward news. "What did you say? That is unbelievable! Hmm, well, the unbelievable has been on parade today." Crowley said in acceptance. In your head you were thinking of that song 'don't you rain on my parade' from some musical. 

Turning to us Crowley asked "This is the first time it's ever happened since I became Headmaster. What should be... Where exactly did you come from?" "Well, the truth is... Um... I'm from Tokyo, Japan. I think I may be in a completely different world." Yuu said scratching the back of his neck. "I've never heard of such a place. I have a general grasp of where all the students came from, but I've never even heard that name before. What about you Cleo?" You sighed, you didn't want to speak, but you really kinda had to at this moment. "I'm from Yokohama, Japan." You said at last. Yuu brightened up when you said that. "Then at least we are probably from the same world then!" You doubted it... Biting the figurative bullet you asked Crowley "Is this an all boys school?" He replied with "Of course. Why? Is that some sort of problem?" Instead of speaking you simply removed your hood revealing your (hair color) (hair length) (hair type) hair. "You're a girl?!?!? That certainly is a problem... For now at least let's go do some research in the library." He calmed down enough to say. 

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