28. Perrie

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I looked at my phone. 3:42PM. Another day wasted in bed sleeping. I didn't even know what day it was. All of the days just seemed to roll into one. I swung my arm out of bed to reach for the bottle of vodka on the floor next to me when I heard a knock on my bedroom floor.

"Y/N?" I heard Perrie, my best friend and my housemate call from behind the door.

"What's up?"

"Nothing. Can I come in for a minute?"

I looked around to see all the empty bottles of alcohol laying on the bedroom floor that had been building up for the past three weeks.

"Do you have to... I mean, is it urgent?"

"Y/N... we need to talk babe. None of us have seen you for weeks."

"I'm okay."

"No you're not. It's not just me and the girls that are worried. Your friends and family are really worried too. I need to check in on you."

"I told you I'm fine. I have a bad headache. Can we not talk later?"

"No Y/N and I'm not standing here talking to you through a door. I'm coming in."

"No no no no-" I tried to stop Perrie from coming in but it was too late. She opened the door and saw the mess in front of her.

"Oh my god. Y/N what have you done?"

I groaned loudly as I flung my head back on the pillow. I knew there would be hundreds of questions to follow.

"Babe?" Her voice was full of concern.

She carefully stepped over the bottles and sat beside me on the bed.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing." I said with my hands covering my face. I knew that if I took one look at Perrie's beautiful face, I'd break down and cry.

She lightly touched my upper arm, trying to prise my hands away.

"Come on, you can talk to me. I'm your best friend. All of this." She pointed at the bottles on the floor. "This is masking how you feel. I need you to tell me how you feel so you don't do this anymore."

As I suspected, one look at Perrie's face and tears fell down my cheeks. It didn't help that she was crying too.

She waited patiently for me to say something, anything.

"Been this way for a while now."

"Go on?" She spoke softly.

"I've had some shit to deal with and this has been my only medicine."

"Like what?"

My now ex girlfriend cheated on me... with my best friend. I saw them in bed together."

"Oh my god Y/N I'm so sorry." Her face was full of shock.

"I forgave her... I forgave them both..."

"Y/N you're worth more than that." Perrie's head tilted to one side with sympathy flashing in her eyes.

"6 months passed and I asked her to marry me. But she turned around and told me that Ryan already asked her and she said yes. I asked her how long it had been going on, and she said roughly two years."

"But you had been with her for two and a half?"

"Exactly. Me and Ryan got into a fight. He told me he wished I was dead, that the only thing he was ever thankful for me was meeting Steph. But now the secret's out, he doesn't care if I wasn't alive anymore."

"Come here babe." Perrie said softly.

I sat up and my head landed on her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around me where I cried like a baby. I didn't know a hug was what I needed until it happened.

"I believe him."


"I don't want to be here. And the truth is, deep down, none of you want me here either."

"That's not true. Not in the slightest. That makes me feel so sad that he's made you feel that way Y/N. I'd be so broken if I lost you. You're everything to me. I've been so lost these past few weeks. I never knew you were holding on to so much pain. You're special Y/N, there's no one like you in this world ever. And if I have to tell you how I really feel about you, I will."

"What?" Now it was me who was confused.

She took a deep breath. "You won't freak out will you?"

I shook my head.

"I'm in love with you. I couldn't live without you in my life babe. You're my entire world." 

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