9. Leigh

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'Hey you, could you do me a favour?Xx'

This was the message I recieved from my best friend Leigh-Anne.

'Of course... What's up? Xx'

'Can you come and pick me up from the studio? I need a chat with you xx'

'What have I done now? Xx'

What was Leigh up to? She knew I suffered from anxiety. I sighed heavily as I put my phone down and looked for my trainers. I heard my phone vibrate on the sofa so I rushed for the reply with a sicky feeling in the pit of my stomach.

'Nothing babe, I promise. I just got to talk to you, it's been on my mind for weeks now. Are we okay to go to your place? xxx'

'Sure, I'm on my way xxx'

I grabbed my car keys off the side and left the house.

Driving to the studio, I was half distracted thinking about what Leigh wanted to talk to me about. She said I hadn't done anything but usually when someone wants to talk to you it means that you've done something. My anxiety was sky high at this point. My palms began to sweat and I felt really nauseous.

I pulled up outside the studio just as the three girls were leaving.

"Hey Y/N." Jade smiled and waved.

"Hey girls." I smiled, even though the anxiety was eating me up inside. Seeing Leigh's face made it even worse for some reason.

"Right, I'm gonna go girls. I'll message you in the group chat later." Leigh said before she got in the passenger side of my car. I could sense her nervousness a mile off.

"Don't forget to keep us informed." Perrie winked playfully.

Leigh rolled her eyes before she closed the car door. I reached over and gave her a hug the best I could, still restricted by my seatbelt. Leigh-Anne blushed.

"Why are you blushing? You never blush when I hug you..."

"Because of them..." Leigh bit her lip as she jerked her head towards the window and I saw Jade and Perrie staring. Something was definitely going on, I just didn't know what exactly.

"What's up with them?"

"I have no idea." Leigh giggled nervously.

"Hmm, okay then... you ready to go?"

Leigh-Anne nodded and I pulled off slowly. The car journey was silent. The anxiety was still as bad as ever, overthinking Leigh's message and now going over the whole situation that just happened in my head. Why was Jade and Perrie staring? Why was Leigh nervous? And why did she really blush when I hugged her?
I stopped at a red light and glanced in Leigh's direction. She was fiddling with her fingers which I knew she always did when there was something on her mind. Her bottom lip was tucked in her teeth and her stare was fixated on the view in front of her.

"What?" She smiled when she noticed I had been looking for a few seconds.

"What is wrong with you?"


"Come on Leigh, I wasn't born yesterday."

"Honestly, it's nothing to worry about."

I sighed as I let it drop. The red light turns to green and I pull off again.

"Anyway, what do you need to keep the girls informed about?" I tried to change the subject as we pulled up in our driveway.

"Oh that... it's nothing. I'll tell you when we get inside."
I shook my head. Why was everything so secretive. We got out the car and I locked it before heading for the front door. Once inside, I threw my keys on the side and grabbed a hold of her hand, taking her into the living room. We both sat on the sofa.

"Now we're home, you can tell me what the hell is going on?" But Leigh didn't answer. She just looked down towards the floor. "Come on Leigh. I know when something is bothering you."

"I'm in love with you!" Leigh shouted before she stood up and fled.

I was in shock. That was not what I was expecting. I heard her go to the bathroom, locking the door after her. I left her for a few minutes to calm down before going after her.


"Go away."

"What do you mean go away? This is my house, remember?" I chuckled nervously. Maybe joking lightheartedly wasn't the best thing right now. "Let me in Leigh, I won't ask any questions, I just want to see if you're okay. Please?"

Then I heard the door unlock, but leaving me to open it, I saw Leigh hugging her knees against the wall. I could still hear she was crying. I rushed over to her, crouching down.

"Look at me." I whispered but she kept her head down. "Leigh-Anne, please. Just look at me." Sighing deeply, I hooked my finger under her chin to lift her head up, her bloodshot eyes meeting mine.

"I'm in love with you too."

"Well why didn't you just say that?!"

"You didn't give me a chance." I chuckled. "You just ran off as soon as those words fell out of your mouth."

"But wait, no... what-"

"Don't question it." I whispered.

I leaned in, letting my lips softly touch hers. The butterflies in the pit of my stomach were going around in loops. The kiss intensified and I felt her tongue gain entrance to my mouth.

"Leigh, I'm crazily, stupidly, ridiculously, madly, head over heels in love with you." I whispered after the kiss came to a natural end.

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