3. Leigh

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"Y/N, can I have a word with you. It's quite urgent." I heard my best friend, Leigh-Anne shout from the living room.

I had just made a well deserved coffee after the long busy day that I had. I set down my drink on the kitchen counter before rolling my eyes. "Alright, I'm coming."

I got to the doorway of the living room where I saw Leigh sat on the edge of the sofa, patting the empty seat next to her. "Come here babe."

"What's all this about?" I chuckled as I did as she instructed.

"Right, there's no other way to say this so I'm just gonna say it how it is." Leigh sighed before she carried on. "I've noticed things have been different lately between me and you."

"Have you?" I raised an eyebrow in confusion but I let her carry on.

"Yeah, everytime I come close to you, you seem to start... stuttering. And you seem to start trembling when I hug you and well..."

"Well what?"

"You're always staring at my bum." She bit her bottom lip nervously. "Do you fancy me? I'm not bothered if you do, I'd be flattered but it's better to get it out in the open."

"No, of course not." I spluttered in the most realistic shocked voice I could pull off.

Leigh caught on. I've always found her adorable and attractive. And she was right. The past few weeks, things have changed. I started falling for her. And even though I tried to stay calm and collected, I couldn't control the feelings she always gave me. I was obviously in love, but I still denied it.

"You're my best friend, of course I don't fancy you." I started to raise my voice in defence. "I need to go get my coffee. I've left it in the kitchen and it's going to go cold." I stood up to make my way out of the living room but Leigh darted in front of me.

"Stop making excuses. Please just tell me the truth. Are you lying to me?" I could see that Leigh was getting frustrated.

"I've told you haven't I?"

"Well if that's the case, then why do you get so jealous when I go out on dates with other people? And why do you seem to lose your ability to breathe when I touch you? You can't even form a sentence together when I call you!"

I didn't have anything to reply with. It was killing me inside that I didn't have the courage to tell her the truth. I was too scared to lose her altogether.

I brushed past her shoulder accidentally as I tried to walk away. And as Leigh pointed out only moments earlier, my breath shortened.

Leigh walked after me, grabbed my arm and spun me round. Then she kissed me, passionately. Clumsily, she pushed me to the nearest wall and our bodies crashed together. Her hands slipped down my neck and my chest which caused me to let out a small moan.

"Now tell me you don't fancy me?" She said breathlessly.

"Fine, okay. I fancy you." Even though Leigh was expecting the answer I gave her, she still seemed to be a little shocked. "In fact I don't just fancy you, I love you." I held my head down to stare at the floor.

Then I felt her finger hook under my chin and lifted my head up to meet her eyes. "I love you too Y/N." She smiled before kissing me once more.

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