19. Perrie

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I stumbled up the stairs, happy to finally be home from work. The day seemed so long and all I wanted to do was crawl under the covers and fall asleep.

When I entered the bedroom I saw that Perrie was dressed up, she looked beautiful as always. A little black dress with black heels and her hair curled over one shoulder.

"Hey baby."

"Hey you. How was work?" She smiled at me through the mirror.

"Absolutely draining." I groaned.

"Oh." Perrie's smile began to fade. "Do you want to stay in then?"

"Stay in...?"

"You forgot didn't you? We were meant to check out that new restaurant that's opened in town."

"Shit." I cursed.

Perrie was so excited when I told her that I had reserved a table. I was really looking forward to it too, but words couldn't even describe how exhausted I was.

"It's okay babe, don't worry. We can go another time."

"No no, just give me ten minutes to get changed and I'll be with you."

"Y/N it's fine." She smiled reassuringly.

"No it isn't. I'm not going to let you down."

"Hey, you've not let me down. You could never let me down. You're exhausted babe, I can see how tired you are. Your boss is running you into the ground. I'm going to ring him up in the morning and tell him you are unwell due to work stress and that you won't be going in for the week. You need to catch up on your sleep and rest that body of yours."

I sighed as I rubbed the back of my neck. "It's okay Pez honestly, I just need one good night's sleep and I'll be back to myself tomorrow."

"Y/N you've been saying that for three weeks now and you're getting more and more worn out. I'm ringing your boss in the morning and telling him straight."

"How about you ring Jade and Leigh and see if they will go with you for dinner. I'll call the restaurant and reserve a slightly bigger table." I changed the subject.

Perrie shook her head as she walked towards me. "I'm not going without you. It's a place I want to experience with you. We can go another time, maybe the end of the week when you've had some time to rest."

I sighed in defeat and my eyes filled with sadness. I really hated letting Perrie down.

"Hey don't look like that. I'm going to change into some pyjamas and take off my make-up. You get yourself into bed. And we can watch a movie together and fall asleep."

"Are you sure Pez?"

"I'm 100% certain."

Perrie kissed me on the lips gently before she walked off to the bathroom. I got under the covers and waited patiently for her to come back through, but my eyelids were becoming heavier and heavier by the passing second. I must have fallen asleep for a minute or two until I heard her voice.

"Couldn't wait for me huh?"

I was too exhausted to speak, I just smiled softly and waited for her to get into her side of the bed.

"Let's just skip the movie yeah?"

"I'm sorry."

"Don't you apologise, it isn't your fault. If anyone is to blame it's that boss of yours, you just wait until I call him."

"Oh great. I'm going to be fired. I can see it coming." I chuckled nervously.

"Then why don't you just leave?"


"It's not like we would be financially unstable if you gave up your job. Your mental health is deteriorating babe and that is more important. You can get yourself better, however long that takes and then you can apply for a better job when you're ready."

"That sounds like a pretty good plan." I yawned sleepily.

"How about you get some sleep? I'll tell your boss you're unwell to go in tomorrow and then we can sit and talk about it properly tomorrow."

I nodded. I really didn't have much more energy within me. I felt lifeless and numb.

Perrie pulled me into her chest. I felt content in her arms, listening to her steady heartbeat.

"I love you so much." I mumbled.

"I love you so much too baby."

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