Chapter 26

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Astrid's POV
After class i went to visit Hiccup again. I hope he's awake, so i can apologise. I thought as i walk my way to the door of hiccup and jack's dorm. Just before i open the door, i heard an arguing. What the?! I opened the door slowly, and i saw Jack standing infront of Hiccup. They didn't seem to notice me cause' they kept on arguing.

"Jack. Just please let me through! I have to go." Hiccup said while jack trying to block his way, i look at him and still dried tears on his face. "No hiccup. You're not going anywhere. You're not going to get yourself drunk again." Jack said sternly. Hiccup groaned before saying "Why not?! It makes me feel better!" he said.

Ugh.... He's so stupid

I cleared my throat to get their attention. They both look at me. My eyes met his, Jack notice and said "Uhh... I'll give you two some alone time." before walking out the door. He just look at me and i did the same. After a few seconds of staring into each others eyes, he turned his back at me and flop to his bed. He buried his face to his pillow.....

Hiccup's POV
Jack wont let me go outside because i came home last night drunk. Yeah, i drink all night. I went to club to clear my mind "Jack. Just please let me through! I have to go." I said as jack trying to block my way "No hiccup. You're not going anywhere. You're not going to get yourself drunk again." Jack protested.

Ugh.... Why cant he just let me?!

I groaned before saying "Why not?! It makes me feel better!" As we heard someone cleared his/her throat, we stop arguing and we turned our head to look who it was. I saw the beautiful girl, the love of my life. I just cant take my eyes off of her eyes, Its just.... so beautiful, her eyes is so beautiful, she's beautiful. I heard jack said before walking out of the door "Uhh... I'll give you two some alone time"

I just look at her eyes a few seconds before turning away and flop to my bed. I buried my face to my pillow and think. Why is she here? Is she here to broke up with me? Or to say sorry? I hold back my tears as i remembered what happen yesterday. I felt someone sat beside and i know it was her. "Hiccup." she called, i look up at her before i sat up.

As i sat up, i look at her straight in the eyes, and she did the same. There was an awkward silence between us, until i broke it "So, what can i help for you?" I asked while looking down. I dont want to look directly at her, because it hurts.
"Im sorry." I heard her mumbled.

What?? She's here to apologise? Thank thor she's here not to broke up with me!!

I look at her and she was looking down. I put my index finger to her chin and made her look at me, and she look me directly in the eyes while i did the same. Tears formed her eyes and a single tear roll down her cheek. I wiped it away with my thumb before saying "Hey hey, dont cry. You dont need to apologise, i do."

"But-" she tried to protest but i cutted her off

"No buts baby girl, k? Im so sorry for beating up your best friend." I said before kissing her forehead. I look at her and i smiled "He's not my best friend anymore." she said as she look down and tried to hold back tears. I furrowed my eyebrows. What?

"What do you mean?" I ask confused, "H-he t-tri-tried to t-take advan-advantage of m-me" she said before she burst into tears. I can feel my blood boiled, i clench my fist and gritted my teeth. "H-hiccup, i-m s-sorry for n-not b-bel-believing y-you" she apologised.

I calmed down a bit and took her hand in mine, i looked at her eyes and smile slightly "It's okay baby. That's nothing." i assures her, she smiled back at me before i gave her a kiss on her forehead.

I have to deal with that stupid Kyle!

Astrid's POV
He forgive me. Those words kept repeating inside my head, i cant believe he can still forgive me after i snapped at him and chose that stupid fucking idiotic liar Kyle! He really does love me so much and i really do love him so much too.

"Astrid?" Hiccup interrupted my thoughts "Yeah?" I asked looking at him. "Do you know where Kyle is?" He asked, i furrowed my eyebrows "No. I haven't seen him this morning and now." i said. He just nodded in understandment.

I wonder why is he looking for Kyle?

"Why?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him, "Uh... Nothing." He said, i nodded my head in understandment also. There was an awkward silence between us for fer seconds, then suddenly i gave him a strong punch in his shoulder that would make him cry.

"Oww!" He cried, i smirked at accomplishment "Why would you do that?" He whined, i chuckled "That's for thinking that i dont love you anymore!" I smirked until i gave him another punch "Seriously?!" He whined again.

"And that's for making yourself drunk and for not coming home last night!" I scold while pointing a finger at him, he smirk while rubbing his shoulder "Well, im sorry for making you worried." he said.

"Yeah, you really made me worried yesterday!" I yelled, he was still smirking "Yeah i know i know. Calm down" he said while putting his hands in the air making me calm down, i smirk and quickly grab his collar and pulled him towards me. I smashed my lips to his, after 25 seconds we pulled away because human needs oxygen.
"And that's for everything else." i said.
He gave me a smile that made my heart melt "I love you m'lady." He said. I smiled back and said "I love you too my man"

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