The calm before the storm

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Harry laid on his side and watched his mate sleeping. It had been another three weeks since he talked with the others about getting rid of the demon.

Harry also went down to the dungeons where they held Hermione captive. She wasn't aware about her circumstances, stuck in a dream world, where she still thought she was free after being responsible for Severus' nightmare. Harry had taken a glimpse into her mind and wanted to rip out her heart so much after it.


Hermione had secretly been quite happy, that her new demon master had such an amazing trial run with her little help. Even if the nightmare that trapped the Potion Master had only been a first taste. Why shouldn't she side with the powerful demon? She would be able to get her revenge, and thanks to some useful items, Harry would end up as her unwilling slave, and she becomes the new British Minister of Magic! The demonic Portkey would not only made it impossible for them to track the abducted Potion Master down, but block any of his magical powers, until the demon had successfully breed him.

This time nothing can go wrong, and why should the demon care for any of those brats, except using them as leverage to totally break his new breeding slave? Hermione was just counting the days, until she could fulfill her part of the deal. The demon had advised her to wait, just to exploit their idiocy, and then attack, when nobody is on their guard any longer.


Harry couldn't understand how Hermione could fall so low. A demon master, truly? Who in their right minds would ever freely sell their souls to such a vile creature? And how could she think, Harry would ever allow to let his guard down after what happened and as long as this monster was running around.

And let us not forget her illusion about Harry becoming her slave. She would have more success in getting the position as minister, which alone wasn't a very high chance, but him being a slave? How did she came to this conclusion? Either Dumbledore had messed up much more with her as Harry thought or she was always such a scornful person that she didn't care about anything, except her revenge and power.

To think that he was close to her for four years let his skin itch and Harry had to take a shower to wash the spots where she ever had touched him, or better hit him. At least there wasn't more between them and she never tried anything. That was Ginny's job after all, but still, the thought let him shudder.

But what was worse, was her thinking she could take his mate from him, that she would be able to put up a trap so the demon would get a hand on his precious death angel.

However, Harry wasn't lazy the past two weeks. He made a plan to lure this demon out of his hiding. He wasn't so sure, if the demon knew that his little pet was kept in a dream and in special room Hogwarts provided herself, or if he was unaware of it. But no matter, Harry was very much sure the demon wouldn't hesitate to come if he sees a chance to get his prize. Therefore, Harry prepared for several possibly scenarios, well knowing that neither of it or everything could happen.

But there was also his secret weapon. It wasn't a common knowledge and Harry was very sure, Severus was the only one, who might knew about it, because everything what happened, from Severus being his mate to becoming a very powerful magical being, meant that Severus was ready for his mate becoming the most powerful being ever. A being that most only knew from legends, but never imagined it truly would ever have existed or would exist again, the Master of Death.

The two kings might suspect something, maybe Sebastian has a suspicion, but neither one of them ever mentioned it, so Harry couldn't be sure if they truly knew.

"What you're thinking about?", came the sudden muffled question from his chest.

"Nothing you have to worry about, my love. Try to get a little more sleep. The triplets and little Anthony aren't awake yet.", whispered Harry, stroking Severus' hair in a soothing manner.

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