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Severus heard someone speaking, though he couldn't understand what was said, because the voices were too low. He felt something shifting next to him and then a few hissing sounds, but his mind was too fussy to make out what the hisses meant.

He didn't know how long it took him to finally make out a few words like "...fine..." or "...magical boost...". He wondered what they were speaking about until he noticed the sudden silence.


"Hm." The voice next to his ear was deep, but soft. It reminded him on someone.

"Sev. Can you open your eyes for me?"


"What was that?"

"...tired..." Severus felt how he drifted back to sleep.

Harry watched his mate going slack again and sighed. It was already the third time, Severus had woken up, but not long enough to even being able to open his eyes. The incident in the Great Hall had happened twenty-four hours ago and since then Harry hadn't left the side of his mate, neither had the kids or Nagini.

"He's fine. His magical core needs just a few more hours to adjust.", said Poppy, after casting another diagnostic spell to check Severus' condition.

"I cannot believe he was still a virgin. Had I known..."

"What then? Harry, you did nothing wrong. You hadn't forced him and I can tell you were careful with him."

"Maybe, but the way we did it."

"Harry, stop thinking. Both of you are not the very romance type and honestly, I find it hilarious you have done it in the headmaster office, though I'd advice you won't claim him in a hall again, where others might see you." Harry blushed and cleared his throat.

"It wasn't exactly planned, but after the first time, I couldn't control myself."

"No need to explain yourself. Your creature inheritance and the fact that Severus finally allowed you to claim him, makes it difficult to restrain your desire.", stated Sebastian, who walked up to his side.

"After I claimed Valerius for the first time, we hadn't left the bed for almost a week. I'm surprised you hadn't locked yourself away with Severus."

"Maybe I would have, if we wouldn't have to care about two kids. However, the fact that the twins will be soon mine in any way there is, gives me the feeling I impregnated Severus myself. I'm sure, if he wouldn't already carry them, I'd have just done what you said, locking us away until I knew he'd carry my children."

"I see. For a dragon, claiming their partner means also to breed them. It's another sign, that you're the dominant and alpha in the relationship."

"Yes, my dragon purred in satisfaction when we could mark Severus and also knowing that the twins accepted our claim to make them ours. The thought Severus is carrying my children was almost overwhelming."

"I see." They stopped their conversation when Silvana begun to stir. She and Timothy were both sleeping in the bed with their mother, while Nagini laid around them."

"Is Mama still sleeping?", asked Silvana tiredly.

"Yes, angel. He woke up a few minutes ago, but only for a short time before going back to sleep."

"Oh. Papa I need the bathroom." Silvana stretched out her hands, signaling Harry to pick her up and take her to the bathroom.

"Come on, little one."

When they came back, Silvana snuggled back against her mother, while Harry set back into his chair.

"You know I hadn't expected that his magical boost would be so soon."

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