Hogwart's new headmaster part 2

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One hour earlier.

Neville, Luna, Seamus and Dean were sitting in the living room of Harry's and Severus' quarters, playing wizarding chess or writing some essays as their heard the door to their old potions professor's bedroom.

They watched him walking pass them without acknowledging them. A knowing smile appeared on Luna's face and she held up a hand to stop Seamus or the others to say something. Like in trance, the man walked out, not hearing the low whisper of the teens behind him.

"Remember what Harry said. We aren't allow to interfere."

"What exactly is happening?", whispered Seamus.

"Hogwarts is calling her child for them to take their rightful position and to bring the school into a new and better era of teaching."

"You mean?", asked Dean in awe.

"Yes. Dumbledore won't be our headmaster any longer.", said Neville excited.

"Whoa, never have thought, the dungeon bat would become the next headmaster.", muttered Seamus and was prompt hit by something, not knowing where it came from.

"Don't anger the castle.", warned Luna.


"She's right Seamus. Harry had some suspicion that Hogwarts had chosen Heir Prince as the Dumbledore's successor. And, from what Luna is saying, the castle sees in him more as just a worthy replacement.", said Neville.


Meanwhile, Severus walked through different floors, not really noticing that he was led to the very core of Hogwarts. It was as something surrounded him, pulling him into a warm embrace and slowly taking him to a sacred place where no one could ever reach him. The thought didn't terrified him, instead it was like finally coming home, welcomed by the soothing sound of a female voice and warmth. Tears were silently running down his cheeks, thinking that this must be the feeling when a loving mother welcomed her child. He never felt it before and it was overwhelming.

"My poor child. Welcome home." The hidden door that had opened to give him access closed behind him and Severus blinked several times to get out of his haze, looking at a big white glowing blood stone. He never saw something like this, but knew instinctively what it is.

"Hogwarts?", he whispered lowly, and watching in awe when the stone shines even more brightly for a moment.

"Yes, my child. I'm sorry, it took so long, but we both were bound to beings we couldn't escape from. I'm sorry, I couldn't protect you all this years ago."

"I don't understand."

"The four founders created me with love, even Salazar Slytherin wasn't who everyone is thinking he was. All four of them wanted a home for all magical beings, may they be born in the wizarding or muggle world or being creatures. They valued all magical life. They all put a piece of their magical core into a blood stone, which at first wasn't much more as a stone which they used to hide the castle behind wards. But, with the years, I developed an own consciousness and separated from the original blood stone. I observed the wixen, their behavior, their traditions, everything. At the beginning, I had chosen my heads alone, but over the time, many things changed. Fewer and fewer wixen were worthy and I lost my trust after I was betrayed by someone I thought to be worthy of my biggest secret."

Severus looked around and then at the stone again, eyes big when he truly understood what was happening. "You can't be serious. I'm not worthy to be a headmaster, not worthy of your kindness or anything else you seem to see in me."

"Oh, my poor little one, but you are and so much more. The day when you first stepped on my grounds, I knew. It's no matter if you may have been an angry, lonely or jealous child, but what lays behind those. My heart broke every time you were hurt, not able to help or keep your tormentors from you."

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