catching up

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Severus awoke dizzy and with a headache. He wished he could went back to sleep, dreading of thinking that Voldemort was already impatient of him waking up. It took him a moment to feel a heavy weight on some of his limps and his chest, though it seemed familiar, but he doesn't dare to move, not wanting to give any sigh that he was awake.

Then he heard something move next to his head before something begun hissing at him, 'Nagini' thought Severus.

"Ssseverusss, you are sssave now. We are in Hogwartsss. Open your eyesss and sssee."

Could that be true? Nagini wouldn't lie to him, he knew, but the thought he might be no any longer in Voldemort clutches let him be wary. He lost hope a long time ago, surely nobody missed him or would search for him. They all thought, he still was a loyal Death Eater or would think he already died. Voldemort had told him that.

"Mama? Nagini speaks true. Harry had rescued us.", he heard his daughter say.

Harry? She doesn't mean Harry Potter, or does she? That boy hated him to the core he would never rescue him. Furthermore, how would he have entered the manor, nobody was able to go through the wards.

"Mama?" The desperate call from Silvana let Severus slowly open his eyes. He doesn't like to make her upset, it was worse enough when her sire was around and tortured him in front of her eyes. He always tried to stay silent. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to do it every time, especially, if the Dark Lord used his favorite curse, the Cruciatus.


However, even that curse wasn't as worse as the feeling, when the Dark Lord pushed his magic into him. He would never forget the feeling how his magical core would heat up, letting every cell in him screaming in agony due to the overflow of magic until it was directed to his belly, where a magical egg was waiting.

Severus never had thought he could carry children. It was the biggest shock for him, as Voldemort impregnated him the first time. At first, he thought he would die when the Dark Lord revealed that he knew Severus is a traitor. The torture was no surprise either, but when Voldemort ordered two of his followers to put Severus on the table, to hold him down, while he put out a potion and removing Severus robes to expose his belly, Severus got nervous. Then he felt confused, as he tasted the potion. Why would Voldemort give him fertility potion? He had no time to think about it, as a cold hand laid suddenly on his belly and immense pain reached his mind again, even worse as shortly before.

He didn't understood what Voldemort had spoken, but with each word he seemed to push more magic into Severus, who arched his back up, trying to move his body away, but to no avail. The Dark Lord hold his hand firmly against his belly, holding him down while pushing more and more magic into him until something gave in and the magic was absorbed, at least it felt like this. The last thing he saw was Voldemort smiling, before he lost consciousness. It took only two days for them to find out, the procedure had worked and Severus was confirmed to be pregnant. It took him a while to adjust to this revelation, but he really registered it, as his belly begun to grow, that he understood, he really was carrying a child.

A child, who now was one and a half years old and lying on his chest with another on the way, which he would love the same way as his daughter. He had thought about it, if he could love Silvana, after all it was dark magic, Voldemort's magic, that got him pregnant. During his pregnancy, he didn't allow himself to think about it, after all the plan was for the baby to die. However, as they realized it was a girl and that Voldemort wouldn't want to use a female body for the ritual, Severus instinct kicked in almost immediately. It was later, that he himself realized, that he loved Silvana even as she was still growing in his belly, no matter how she came to be. And that is the same for Severus' second child. He never liked children, at least he had thought that for his entire life, but as people like to say, it was different, if it were your own or not.

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