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Severus sat outside on a bench, wrapped up in a warm blanket, baby in arms and watching two dragons and two death angels fighting. The kids cheered, including the three his uncle adopted with his wife. They warmed up to their new life and since Christmas the tension had left them completely.

A little further away was a large group of other children, also watching. Some were cheering as well, other looked scared or in fascination.

Everything had been prepared in record time for the orphans from Knockturn Alley and those from the muggle world. And like Severus had promised, he had went to the places to speak with the children, giving them the chance to leave their current life and get an education. A few were old enough to start with the next term as it'd be usually happen. The older children were asked, if they wanted to start as first years as well or would be more comfortable if they have separated classes to those younger than them.

The twelve and thirteen year old children said, they had no problem to start as normal first year students. The older children asked to have separated classes, but also asked if they could attend the classes, which they would have started in third or fourth year.

Severus, Minerva and Filius talked which each of the older children, asking them what they knew, which classes they wanted to attend or what they future plan might be, so they could make suggestions, which classes would be required.

Then there were those, which just reached majority. When Severus together with some family and stuff members, visited Knockturn Alley, a few had approached them on their own, some even with little toddlers in their arms, saying and pleading them to take them. There were even adults, who just threw their children at them, glad to get rid of them. But there were of course also those, who wanted to stop them to take the children, or more their property, which they used as errand boys or house elves. Of course, they had no chance, even if they had tried. One was even so bold to attack Severus, who had two small children in his arms with three others standing around him. Before the attacker knew what happened, he was pressed down with a spear against his throat and a huge dragon above him. That caused the others to back down immediately and flee the location. After that, it was a quick gathering for the rest of children, who happily followed them back to the castle.

The children from the muggle world were a complete other issue. They were suspicious and scared, especially the older ones. Only the toddlers had no clue and stared just in wonderment at their new home.

Narcissa and Poppy took care to examine all of them and to arrange sessions with a mind healer. Many children were malnourished and especially some of the older ones showed signs of abuse.

All in all it took them five days to settle all of them down, showing them the rooms they would live from now on and what would happen next.

Now it was the last day of the year and the day after tomorrow the students would come back to Hogwarts. Severus was happy how much they achieved in the short time since Hogwarts' transformation, but he knew there were a lot more things to take care about. However, to get the children out of the bad environment and seeing most of them happy, let his death angel purr in satisfaction.

"Severus?" The headmaster turned his gaze away from the children and focused his attention to Narcissa and Bellatrix, both looking grim, which let him straighten up.

"What is it Narcissa? Is anybody hurt?"

"No, no. The children are all fine, but..." Narcissa let her shoulder fall and sighed. "Ms. Potter woke up half an hour ago. She screamed at seeing Bellatrix, who just happened to sooth this little cutie here, while I took care of one of his wounds." Narcissa smiled at her sister, who had a little boy on her hip. He was clutching her robes, seeming not to want to leave her and to Severus amusement and wonderment, the woman seemed to have no intention to put him down soon as well.

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