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It had been a week since New Year. All students were back from the holidays, included Hermione, who did not hold back to scold the new children whenever they run through the halls or were talking to loud in the library. Even Madame Pince showed more understanding, and hold back to use her strict tone, as she explained the newcomers the rules to be silent in the library.

Severus could feel the darkness around her, but he thought there was something else. Something in her magic seemed strange, as it wouldn't belong to her. There were prepared for the day the idiots would come and try to harm the students. Bones and Shacklebolt were informed as well as the minister. They all just waited for the trap to snap. But now, Severus was unsure if it was a good idea to let the girl come back. Even Hogwarts was nervous about this darkness inside her.

However, his family kept him distracted and he forgot his worries ever so often. Soon it'd be his birthday. Sometimes he couldn't even believe that he was thirty-seven, soon thirty-eight. He felt as he already lived at least double as long if no longer. And his mate was even twenty years younger than him, though it doesn't matter if you're hundreds of years old. If you put it into verification, both would be still babies or toddlers for their grandparents. For them already having their own kids must be weird.

Severus didn't know what Harry was planning, but didn't try to find out either. He might be no fan of surprises, but since it was from his family, it felt different. He knew it wouldn't be something bad and that Harry wouldn't endanger him, not even with something someone would consider harmless.

The day after his transformation, Poppy had examined him and told them the triplets were fine. Severus had been worried about the youngest, even if Poppy declared him stable even before he made the changes for Hogwarts. Nonetheless, it made him still nervous when something unpredictable happen what messes with his magic.

Sebastian and Raphael explained to him that there was nothing to fear while training his control over his creature side, including transforming. They even said it'd be important that he had himself under control or he might hurt or worse, kill someone, who meant no harm to him.

To his luck, it was easy to control his creature, because it had been already half-awake since months. The transformation was more difficult because of his fear harming his babies. But he told himself to be patient. That it had been just a week and that he had plenty of time to get a hand on it. He didn't doubt he wouldn't able to do it should his or his children life depend on it. He'd just give control to his creature. You might ask why don't do it every time and just get back control if the transformation is over? Because depending on the situation the creature could fight him over the control and in the meantime could harm someone or himself. No Severus has to learn to do it on his own.

Children as well as students would also watch his training outside on the training ground. The students, who had been not at Hogwarts at New Year were curious and wanted to see his death angel form, because, of course, those present had informed them.

When not in training, Severus took care about the paperwork, which never didn't seem to end. Fawkes liked to sit on his shoulder and watched what he was doing, nibbling at his ear whenever he made a mistake or didn't agree with his future plans or people he considered to hire.

By this time he had all positions planned for classes, but he wanted to have people on a list, should he need more.

He had looked on the board were the classes and names stood. Until end of May, everyone would have arrived to settle in, to familiarize themselves with their new home and to plan their future classes beginning September.

His list showed as followed:

Core classes


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