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Harry immediately jumped out from his chair into the space between Severus and whoever would enter, before the doors were even fully opened. He had hoped, he would have a little more time, but as it seems, Dumbledore found out about his guests or should you say, about the return from his Potion Master and former spy.

Severus, out of instinct, threw both his arms around his daughter, turning on his side while ignoring the pain what shot through his body due to the sudden movement. Even Nagini didn't hesitate to wrap her body over his human and grand-hatchling.

Severus isn't able to defend himself right now. Voldemort had snapped his wand, just allowing him to use another one, if he needed it for a special potion. Otherwise, Severus has to use wandless magic for his potions, that exhausted him faster and even more, though it wouldn't be much of an issue, if he wouldn't have been tortured almost each day or pregnant. Why he didn't already went mad, he doesn't know, or maybe he was and all of it was just a dream?


Harry watched the intruders closely, his own wand in hand, but not pointing at anyone, yet. The Aurors spread out, two at each side, wands ready to use.

Harry growled and everyone stopped in their tracks, except Ron and Hermione, both shouting where he had been, why he didn't come to the ministry, that they were worried. However, as Harry growled a second time, this time even deeper, and accompanied by a warning hissing from behind him, they stopped, too.

"Harry?", asked Hermione confused.

"Please step back. It wouldn't be wise to come near."

"What? Why? We were worried about you, and then we heard you are in the infirmary. We came as soon as we could. And what is that behind you?" Ron pointed at the massive pile behind Harry.

"Harry, my boy. I'm happy to see you are fine, but please step aside. Something dangerous got inside Hogwarts."

"How would you know?"

"My wards alarmed me that someone with a Dark Mark got inside. I couldn't come immediately due to the chaos at the ministry. Voldemort had attacked and we had to fight him."

Harry could hear a small whimper, coming from behind him. It took him just a minute to remember that Severus has the Dark Mark and that it would hurt him, should someone call the Dark Lords name in his present. Harry narrowed his eyes; he also remembered that Dumbledore used the name quite often, even if Severus was present.

"Stop it. Don't speak his name."

"Name? You mean Vol..."

"Don't Speak His Name.", growled Harry, again.

Poppy came running into the infirmary, stopping at Minerva's side. "What's going on here? My alarm alerted me, that my patient is in distress and pain."

"Poppy? What do you mean?", asked Dumbledore, confused why Harry reacted as he may be his enemy.

"Albus, if you just had me let you explain then you may already know who is lying on the bed behind Mr. Potter.", scoffed Minerva.

"Would someone just please explain what's going on?", asked Amelia. She couldn't tell straight away that she already knew. Dumbledore would want to know and if she told him the truth then he would just wonder why Harry came not to him first. The old man may be a fool to the outside, but Dumbledore knows exactly what he's doing. If he would get suspicious of her then Amelia wouldn't be surprised to be removed from her position at the ministry very fast.

Harry doesn't look at her while he answers, "I sneaked into the manor from He-who-shall-not-be-named, because I wanted to use the chance to kill his snake while he isn't there. You-know-who wouldn't take his familiar to a dangerous place, though I thought at least. Turned out I was right, but imagine my surprise when I found someone else. Someone we all thought is long dead."

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