Start of a new year

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Harry observed Poppy treating Severus' wounds while at the same time taking in each scar on the white-grey skin, at least the parts, which weren't longer covered by old clothes.

As soon as the shock faded from the people faces, awkward silence spread through the infirmary, just interrupted by Poppy's low whispering when she asked Severus some questions.

At the end, it was Minerva, who broke it completely by suggesting that they all go back to their quarters or, in case of Hermione and Ron, to their dorms in Gryffindor tower, after all they all had a long day and needed rest.

Of course, both protested, but Minerva wouldn't budge and shoved them out, taking also one of Dumbledore's arms to take him with her. Of course, she didn't ask Harry to leave, already knowing the answer would be a clear 'No'.

Harry was really grateful. His patience was quickly running out and he just wanted someone to hex, especially Ron for insulting his mate.

Despite that they were more or less alone now, Severus doesn't let go of his daughter while Poppy works on his back. Nagini had moved out of the way, but still laid around Severus and Silvana.

No word was spoken, despite Harry hoping Severus would say something, but doesn't want to force him into a conservation. Before he could change his mind, Poppy interrupted the silence.

"Severus, I would like to see the rest of your body. I want to check, if there are other wounds, I cannot see right now. I'll will put up a curtain, so Harry or anyone else coming inside, won't see you. Or, maybe Harry can wait outside and guard the door, if you prefer it."

Severus sighed, he knew Poppy wouldn't let it go until she had saw each part of his scared body, he just had hoped, she had already done that while he was still unconscious. Very well then, why delaying the inevitable, after all he already set his upper body part free for anyone to see, the rest was very much the same.

"A curtain will be alright Poppy, though I would prefer if Harry waits on the other side." Harry, to his relief, doesn't protest and just nodded, though he thought, he had seen disappointment in his eyes when the curtain covered them from his view.

Severus felt a small pang in his gut, but couldn't tell why, after all why would Harry would want to see his ugly body. Severus' appearance was never someone would consider as beautiful, his hair was greasy, he was much too lean and thin, has a crooked nose and now his skin was completely covered in nasty scars. Besides that, Severus character wasn't pleasant either, so why Harry would want someone like him at his side, mate or not, could Severus not understand. Surely, there were better options for Harry.

"Severus, would it be possible, to put your little cutie on the bed and that your familiar allows me a little more access to look at you?"

Poppy's question pulled him back out of his musing. He looked at his daughter and then to Nagini, seeing the issue that he had to let go of his daughter for a moment and that Nagini would have to move if he wanted to undress completely.

"Ok. Silvana, my angel, you heard Madame Pomfrey." Severus doesn't wait for an answer, just moving her beside him on the bed. Then he hissed at Nagini, asking her to move aside. She, too, doesn't protest and curled herself around Silvana.

Then he allowed Poppy to remove the rest of his clothes and laid back, closing his eyes while Poppy examined his body.

"I think most of the scars will faint with time, but the bigger ones let me a little worry. Some of them seems fresh."

"Doesn't surprise me, the Dark Lord and his minions weren't extremely nice when they tortured me."

"I'm so sorry, we didn't look for you."

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