Burning Bridges

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You were back in the warehouse with Cindy, and you decided to train her in one of the most important parts of surviving as a hero.

Y/N: DODGE!!!!

You shot a volley of webbing at Cindy who barely managed to dodge even two web-balls. 

Y/N: If you want to survive you need to know how to DODGE!

You shot a web-line at Cindy and pulled her towards you. She looked at you annoyed while you let her go. 

Cindy: Really TFS Piccolo? 

Y/N: I saw my opportunity and I took it. But in all seriousness, you do need to know how to dodge if you want to last in this business. 

Cindy: I can't. I'm trying to rely on instinct, but I can't just switch my brain off. 

Y/N: Okay, so that doesn't work for you. What if... 

She walked back to her starting position, and you aimed at her while her back was turned. You shot a web at her, and she ducked under it perfectly. 

Y/N: Okay you can dodge... just not when you're looking at the incoming object. Noted. I'll teach you some simple moves that could help. 

You jumped into the air and landed as a way to demonstrate. 

Y/N: A simple jump. 

You lunged to the side. 

Y/N: A lunge. 

You then fired a web and pulled yourself over to it. 

Y/N: Or a web-zip will suffice. 

Cindy: Speaking of which how do you make these webs? 

Y/N: It took multiple tries before I got it. But now I got a surefire formula. 

Cindy: Nice. Mind if I see the formula.

Y/N: I could make the formula for you. 

Cindy: Nah, you already got enough on your plate, I could do it. 

Y/N: I already make multiple batches for myself I could easily make you some. 

Cindy: No, I insist. 

Y/N: No, I insist. 

The two of you glare at each other playfully until you both break into laughter. 

Y/N: In all seriousness try to dodge.

You jumped back and fired a volley of webs at Cindy. Time slowed down for her as she prepared to dodge. Your best friend took a page out of your book and did a sideways backflip. She rolled gracefully over the web-balls as she landed, hair flowing in the air. You watched with stars in your eyes.

 You watched with stars in your eyes

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Y/N: That... was amazing. 

Cindy: Thanks. You're not the only one who can dodge gracefully. 

Y/N: Yeah. So you've gotten better. But still DODGE!!!

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