A Screwy Sitch

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You and Cindy were in an abandoned warehouse. She had a blindfold on and you were training her Spider(Silk)-Sense. 

Cindy: How am I supposed to dodge you if I can't see you?

Spider-Man: Just trust in the Spidey-Sense. 

You fired an impact web at her, and she felt a tingling in her head. She tried to dodge but she was too slow, and the web caught her. 

Cindy: Can I take the blindfold off now? 

Spider-Man: Give me a second. 

You tore through the webbing and freed her, allowing her to remove the blindfold. 

Spider-Man: If it's any consolation, you've picked up wall-crawling, attacking, and parkour pretty quickly. 

You took off your mask and she looked at you with a discouraged look. 

Cindy: I sensed the web, but I couldn't dodge. How do you do it? How do you dodge bullets so easily. 

Y/N: When I sense the objects coming my way my brain kinda... shuts off. It's like I'm acting on pure instinct. 

Cindy: So don't think... just act is what you're saying.

Y/N: Yeah. 

Cindy: Let me try again. 

Y/N: Okay. 

She put the blindfold back on and prepared to dodge. You jumped to the side and fired another web. Time slowed down but for her it was even slower than your time dilation. She felt everything on her skin, her clothes, the air, her hair. She seemed to be able to 'see' the web coming. 

Cindy lunged to the side, perfectly dodging the web. You fired more at her, and she dodged each one flawlessly. You were awestruck at how easy this came to her. Cindy took off her blindfold and ran over to you to give you a big hug. 

Cindy: Thank you, thank you! Now do I get my suit?

Y/N: I'll think about it. 

You responded with a smile. Cindy could and would have kissed you, but the tender moment had been ruined when you heard something coming from your mask. You put it back on and heard the police scanner going off.  

Police Scanner: We've got a robbery at the betting parlor on 3rd and Main. There's a bunch of them. 

Spider-Man: Duty calls. But this lesson isn't over.

Cindy: I would hope not. 

You opened the window and jumped out, firing a web and swinging away. 

Cindy: And to think I was gonna confess to him. Lucky me. 


You arrived at the scene of the crime and saw them getting into their cars. 

Spider-Man: They never learn do they? 

You web-zipped to the roof of a car and looked in through the window. They were all wearing a pink and white uniform. There was a wavy S on the left shoulder of the uniform. Y/N knocked on the window and the criminal rolled it down.

Spider-Man: Let me guess, you wanted to get back at the house after you lost. Happens more often than you think or than I like. 

Criminal: No. This ain't got nothing to do with gambling we just needed your attention. 

Spider-Man: You did all this for lil' ol me? I'm flattered, really. 

You fired a web-line at the steering wheel. You gave them a cheeky look and smiled under your mask.

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