The Final Showdown

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The two superpowered teens saw Ned's monitor as he showed you the address of Screwball's hideout. 

Ned: This is where she is. 

Cindy: How'd you find her? 

Ned: She got careless. On her stream of bombing the bridge a license plate popped up. I tracked it and found that it was at this warehouse. A bit more searching online, and I found the blueprints. 

He pointed to a skylight on the blueprint and spoke. 

Ned: There's your entrance. Everywhere else is probably crawling with guards. From there you'll drop into the third floor. My guess is your girl will be on the second floor. 

Cindy: Great. Let's swing there and...

Y/N: No. As it stands, we're unprepared for a full-on siege. We need training and equipment.

Cindy: Hey. 

Y/N: I'm not saying this as a slight against you I'm just saying we don't know how many people Screwball's got on her payroll. 

Cindy: So, more Spider 101? 

Y/N: Exactly. 

Cindy: When do we start? 


You and Cindy were back in the warehouse to begin training. 

Y/N: If we're gonna win this you need to know how to dodge. 

She put on her blindfold before getting into a stance. 

Cindy: Ready. 

You began to rapidly fire webs at her as her head tingled. She evaded them all with ease. Once the final web came, she dodged it with a backflip and landed with a smirk on her face. 

Cindy: What's next? 

You were beginning to work on a spherical device, similar to your web-bombs. There were beakers by you, filled with a substance that emitted a wispy, white gas. The scene then changed to Y/N training. He was doing pullups on the ceiling. His shirt wasn't on, revealing his six-pack and toned physique. 

Sweat glistened from his body as he exercised. Cindy was practicing sticking to walls by jumping on and off the ceiling and sticking to it. She failed a multitude of times, often falling on her back but eventually she got it. The scene changed again to you working on your new gadget. After filling the vessel with the substance, you threw it at a hydroponic vase.  

The sphere fell short yet did not break upon collision. Y/N walked up to it to inspect his creation, curious on how it did not work. Once he approached it his senses tingled, and he jumped back as the sphere broke and released its contents.  

The scene changed back to your training. You were doing sit-up on what appeared to be the floor but once the perspective changed you could see that he was doing them on the wall. Cindy was punching a pillar. Cracks began to form as she repeatedly hit the stone structure. She eventually punched a hole through the stone and smiled as she pulled her hand out without a hint of blood on it. 

You had continued working on your new invention and tested the new casing design. You threw it again and this time the casing broke upon impact. The innards froze both the water and the plant upon contact. You smirked upon seeing your success. 

The scene changed back to the warehouse. You and Cindy were staring each other down. 

Y/N: Your last test is to fight me. 

Cindy: There's no way I'd win. 

Y/N: You don't know until you try!

You opened with a Venom Punch, knocking Cindy back. She stuck to a pillar and jumped off of it heading straight towards you. Y/N just weaved out of the way of her attack, and she landed behind you. She went onto the offensive and prepared to attack you once again. You merely deflected her punches and counterattacked. You made a feint jab before switching into a right hook. 

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