With Great Power...

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Uncle Ben picks you up after school and drives you home. 

Ben: Don't you dare go to your room without talking to me young man!

Y/N: They're not gonna make us pay for the backboard. 

Ben: I don't care about the fucking backboard. Breaking school property is one thing but running off campus unsupervised. 

Y/N: I just didn't want to be there...

You then lean on the wall.

Ben: Thanks to this little fiasco I had to change shifts at work. Look Y/N I get it. He's been bullying you since middle school and you finally knocked some sense into him, I get it. There are parts of life that make us more mature. And you're getting close to that. You are going to go through some things that will define who you are. I've been in your situation before. 

Y/N: Not exactly.

Ben: You're starting to enter the years where you're going to become the person you're going to be for the rest of your life. That boy may have deserved that but just because you can humiliate someone doesn't mean you should. With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility. 

Three Weeks Later

You've become more confident thanks to your newfound powers. You've gotten better at gym and more fit. You are currently testing out an idea that you had. 


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You put on a ski-mask so that nobody recognizes you. 

Y/N: Let's do this. 

You then shoot a web and test its strength. You got the tensile strength just right. 

Y/N: It's strong but can it hold me?

You then look down. 

Y/N: Only one way to find out. 

You then jump off the building and the web holds you.

Y/N: Woo-Hoo!

You release the web and fire another one. You then release the web and land on a roof. 

Y/N: That. Was. Amazing. 

You then see a billboard advertising a wrestling competition. The reward being $3000. 


You go home and start sketching suit ideas. You work on it for hours until you finally create one you are happy with. 

Y/N: Oh yeah. This is the one. 

You then put on your wrestling costume. 


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