The Barton House

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You sit on the quinjet with your mask off.

Maria: The news is loving you guys. Nobody else is. There's been no official call for Banner's arrest but it's in the air. 

Tony: The Stark Relief Foundation?

Maria: Already on the scene. How's the team?

Steve: Everyone's... We took a hit. We'll shake it off. 

Maria: Well for now I'd stay in stealth mode and stay away from here. 

Y/N: So, run and hide? 

Maria: Until we can find Ultron, I don't have a lot else to offer. 

Tony: Neither do we. 

He then turns off the video call and heads to the cockpit. 

Tony: Hey you wanna switch out?

Clint: No, I'm good. If you wanna get some kip now's a good time because we're still a few hours out. 

Tony: Few hours from where? 

Clint: A safe house. 

Tony: Hey you okay.


Tony: Okay.


The quinjet then lands on a farm.

Y/N: Why are we in the middle of nowhere?


Y/N: Okay I won't. 

You guys then get out and walk to the house. 

Thor: What is this place? 

Tony: Safe house. 

Clint: Let's hope. 

He then opens the door and you guys walk in. 

Clint: Honey? I'm home.

A woman then walks out. 

Clint: Hi. Company. Sorry didn't call ahead. 

They then kiss.

Tony: This is an agent of some kind. 

Clint: Gentlemen this is Laura.

Laura: I know all of your names.

She then points to you. 

Laura: Except for you. I don't know you.

Y/N: I'm Y/N. I'm new here. 

Y/N: I'm sorry you have a wife?

Clint: Yes. Are you surprised?

Y/N: Yes. Yes, I am. Show of hands who's surprised by this. 

Tony, Thor, and Steve then raise their hands. 

Clint: Really guys. 

Tony: The kid's right. This is surprising. 

Clint: I hate you. So much.

Footsteps are then heard. 

Clint: Oh incoming. 

A girl and a boy then run out. 

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