The Great Costco Robbery

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You and Cindy were at Ned's place. The three of you were discussing how you were going to deal with Screwball.

Ned: So, we have to find her. But how? 

Y/N: I don't know. But for now, unfortunately we're stuck taking down her goons. 

Cindy: That sucks. We need to stop her before more people get hurt. 

Your suit was sprawled out across the table, and you were working on the systems. 

Y/N: Next time we'll at least be ready. 

Ned: You'd better be. Because she's streaming again. 

Cindy got up to him and looked at the screen. 

Y/N: What's she doing? 

Cindy: I-I don't believe it. 

Ned: She can't be serious. 

Y/N: What's happening?

Cindy: She's-She's...

Ned: ...robbing a Costco. 

Y/N: What?

Cindy: She's robbing a Costco. 

Y/N: Just when I thought she couldn't get more annoying. 

You grabbed your suit and went to go put it on. Cindy walked out of the room and changed into her suit. Y/N ran back in as Spider-Man and went out through the window. Cindy soon followed as Silk. She and you fired webs to swing to the Costco. 

Ned: I'm sending you the location now. 

Spider-Man: Got it.

You saw a marker appear on your HUD and you started to swing towards the establishment. Cindy followed closely behind you and the two of you eventually reached the Costco. You perched on the ledge of a roof, gazing upon the invaded building while Cindy stuck to the side of the wall. 

Silk: So, this is it. 

Spider-Man: Yeah. 

Silk: Let's go kick their asses! 

Spider-Man held his hand in front of his partner to stop her. 

Spider-Man: Patience young padawan. Let's just find a way in first. 

You jumped off your perch and landed onto the side of the building. There were no outside guards which gave you a sense of relief. Spider-Man climbed up the side of the building and crawled around it. He found a vent on the side of the building, and he activated his comm-link. 

Spider-Man: Hey Cindy I found a vent. Come over here. 

She took in a deep breath, nervous about her first fight. She calmed her nerves and jumped from the wall, grabbed onto a streetlamp, swung on it, and released. This action allowed her to hit the wall of the Costco. She crawled over to you and once she had reached the vent you grabbed it by the grates. Y/N ripped it off and tossed it to the side. He made a come in gesture before quipping. 

Spider-Man: Ladies first. 

Silk: What a gentleman. 

She climbed in and you followed closely behind. The system appeared to be decrepit, the roof held up by wooden support beams. It smelled musty and dank. 

Silk: You know with all the money this place makes they couldn't spring to make these things a little nicer.

Spider-Man: This is probably the worst vent I've ever had to crawl into.

Silk: How do you do this every day? 

Spider-Man: Do what? Crawl through vents because I assure you I don't do that every day. 

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