Scorn of the Scorpion

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You then start climbing up the building and then you see Scorpion's tail. You move out of the way, and he looks down at you. 

Scorpion: So, you actually came. Guess you really aren't a coward. 

Spider-Man: Release the girl. 

Scorpion: You wanted to talk so let's talk. 

You then run up the wall and then jump over him. You then see Cindy and Jonah tied up with chains. Scorpion then hits you into a pillar with his tail. You get up and stare at him with venom in your eyes. He swings his tail at you and you backflip out of the way. He then tries to stab you with his tail, but you dodge and shoot a tazer web at the tail joint. He then seizes in pain. 


Spider-Man: You like. I call them my tazer webs. They're pretty shocking if I do say so myself. 

You then run up to Scorpion and punch him in the face twice. You then backflip into a kick which knocks Scorpion back. Scorpion then recovers from the shock and charges at you. You then climb up a radio tower and Scorpion follows you. You then jump off the tower and swing kick him. You knock him off of the tower and he grabs your foot. You shoot a web and try to swing away but his grip on you is too strong and the two of you fall into a light. You crawl out and get up, but Scorpion then slashes your suit with his tail. He knocks you back and you run at him. You then uppercut him and back kick him. He then picks you up with his tail and slams you into the building repeatedly. He then throws you away.  

Scorpion: You can't beat me kid. You're nothing but a pathetic kid going up again a man who's twice your own size. 

Scorpion walks over to you. He then kicks you in the rib and you get up. He then kicks you down again. He then smacks you away with his tail. 

Spider-Man: Come and get me you bastard! 

Scorpion runs at you and sends his tail towards you. You flip out of the way and shoot his weak spot with a tazer web. You then kick him in the head and throw him into the ground. You then start to punch him and kick him repeatedly. 

Spider-Man: Fight back.

You keep beating him.

Spider-Man: Fight back.

The effects of the tazer web then wear off and he knocks you away. You get up and he snakes his tail around you. You shoot a web and stick it to the ground. You then run and punch Scorpion in the head. He throws a punch at you, and you dodge and stick to the radio tower. You then punch him away and jump to another tower. 

Jonah: I can't believe I'm saying this but go Spider-Man! Kick his ass!

Cindy: Beat him up!

Scorpion: Shut the fuck up! 

You then shoot a regular web at his face and jump on his back. You then slam him into the tower. You backflip off of his body and kick him into the tower again. He rips off the web and glares at you. You then back up and he tackles you to the ground. You kick him off and he slashes at you again. He cuts more of your suit and sends his tail at you again. You lean back and the tail flies over you. He then retracts his tail and you run at him. He swipes his tail at you again, but you slide under his legs. You then get up and kick him away. 

Spider-Man: What were you saying about being stronger than me? 

Scorpion: Shut up!

Spider-Man: Dude a baby's stronger than you.

Scorpion: I said shut up!

He then swings his tail around savagely and you grab his tail. You then throw him into a junction box. He is shocked and writhes in pain. You then punch him in the head and knee him in the gut. Scorpion knocks you away and screams in pain. He gets up and stands on all-fours. Scorpion then shoots his tail at you, but you dodge repeatedly. You continue to dodge until Scorpion slashes your leg. You fall down and hold your leg. Scorpion then starts to walk towards you.

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