What the...

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Hours after homecoming Cindy Moon lies down on her bed watching a news report on her phone. It talks about the plane crash at Coney Island. While listening she hears a noise. Someone landed on her fire escape. She looks at the window and sees you in your tux. She walks over to let you in with a smile on her face. 

Y/N: I believe I owe you a dance. 

You enter into her room and the two of you embrace. Once you release she holds your hands causing you to blush. 

Cindy: Do you know how to dance?

Y/N mesmerized by her beauty doesn't respond, prompting Cindy to wave her hands in front of his face.

Cindy: N/N? 

You snap out of your trance and respond to her. 

Y/N: Oh... Uh no. 

Cindy: I'll teach you. See it's like this.

She shows you the motions and you begin to understand it. Until one small slipup happened.

Cindy: Okay, don't try and squish my feet Spidey.

Y/N: Sorry, sorry.

She giggles and the two of you continue dancing. Y/N had only one thought on his mind, "Having her as my best friend makes me the luckiest guy on Earth.". 


Ned: It looked so insane. That whole... Like, it was just crazy. He... He was just like:

He makes a sound effect with his mouth and then continues.

Ned: And you were like "Ahh".

Cindy then shushes him as the three of you walk down the hallway. Later on that day you sit down on the table in the decathlon team room. 

Teacher: Congratulations decathlon national champions.

Everyone claps until the moment is ruined by the teacher.

Teacher: I'm gonna have to put this back in the trophy case soon... but just for motivation for this practice. I'm a little ahead of the game but we will need a new team captain next year. So I am appointing Michelle.

Everyone looks at her and claps for her.

Everyone looks at her and claps for her

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Michelle: Uh thank you. My... my friends call me MJ.

Y/N: What friends?

Michelle: I have friends.

Y/N: Honey all of your "friends" are in this room.

Everyone's eyes widen as you gave her a fifth degree burn. Your phone then buzzes and you look at it. It is an unknown number telling you to go into the bathroom.

Y/N: I gotta go.

Michelle: Where are you going?

She says with a straight face. You point outside, stunned into silence.

Michelle: What are you hiding Y/N? 

You stare at her incredulously before she breaks her serious façade.

Michelle: I'm just kidding, I don't care. Bye.

And with that you take your leave. Entering the bathroom you are met with the familiar face of Happy Hogan.

Y/N: Oh, it's you. So what are you doing here?

Happy: I-I really owe you one. 

You stare at him in confusion as he continues.

Happy: I don't know what I'd do without this job. I mean before I met Tony...

Happy's speech is interrupted by the flush of a toilet. One of the navy blue stalls opens up and a boy of Asian descent goes to wash his hands. The two of you stare at each other in awkward silence as he just does his business. Once he finishes he walks out, looking at the two of you weirdly. 

Y/N: So, uh how long have you been here?

Happy: Long enough to be awkward.

Y/N: In hindsight was a bathroom really the best place to have a meeting? 

Happy: Boss wants to see you.

Y/N: Is he in the bathroom too?

Happy: No, he's upstate. 

Y/N: Oh he's there. Yeah no.

Happy: What?

Y/N: I'm good.

Happy: You mean to tell me that Tony Stark is giving you a second chance and you're... and you're just rejecting it?

Y/N: That's exactly what I'm doing. Tell big guy I said hi.

And with that the teenager turns around and walks away.

Happy: You don't walk out on Tony Stark!

Y/N: I just did!


Y/N; If I've learned anything from this it's that there are always people who are gonna underestimate me. 

Spider-Man swings onto a crane in his original suit. He runs up the crane and flips onto the top.

Y/N; But at the same time there are people who are gonna have my back. 

You run off of the crane before doing a backflip into the air. Swan diving towards the ground you make the iconic hand-gesture before firing a web to save yourself. Spider-Man swings dangerously close to the ground before releasing the web at the apex of his swing. This propelled him extremely high in the air. 

Y/N; I know this. My story is one of love...

He gets a clear view of the traffic below him and fires a web. He releases it before getting into the second phase of the swing and web-slingshots himself to the end of the street. While turning Spidey swings dangerously close to traffic.

 While turning Spidey swings dangerously close to traffic

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Y/N; of heartbreak...

He web-zips onto a truck and runs along the top of it before flipping onto the hood of a mini-car. Y/N then leaps onto the side of a bus and runs along the wall. Once at the end of the bus he leaps into the air continuing his swing. The boy quickly spots his apartment building and swings into an open window. 

Y/N; I know this all too well. But I knew what I signed up for. This is my power, my responsibility. Who am I...

He leaps off of the bedroom wall and lands on the floor before taking off his mask. 

Y/N; I'm Spider-Man.

Meanwhile unknown to you there was someone still inside of the house. 

May: What the fuck?!

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