A Simple Hangout

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It has been two days since Jameson has been kidnapped and you are working on your tazer webs. 

Y/N: Alright tazer web attempt number 25.

You fire a tazer web and the web-shooter shocks you.

Y/N: AHHHH!!!!!

You then take off the web-shooter. 

Y/N: Damn that's painful!

You then pick up the web-shooter with a rubber glove and add more insulation to your web-shooters. 

Y/N: Wait. I've been going about this all wrong. 

You then recalibrate it so that it adds the electrical charge after you fire the web. You then shoot a web, and it doesn't shock you. 

Y/N: Yes. 

You then get a call from Cindy. You then answer it. 

Y/N: Hello.

Cindy: Hey. Good news we moved all of our stuff to a new apartment. Most of our stuff survived the fire. 

Y/N: That's great.

Cindy: I know. You still on for the coffeeshop?

Y/N: I almost forgot. I'll be there in a bit. 


Jonah struggles in his restraints and whines.

Scorpion: Oh, shut up! Got Jonah now the only person left to kill is Spider-Man. But how do I lure him out? 

Scorpion then looks at a newspaper with the headline Spider-Menace and Scorpion destroy apartment complex. He then looks under the picture. 

Scorpion: Picture by Y/N L/N.

He then remembers you. 

Scorpion: He's that kid who went to talk to you about the pictures. If anyone knows how to draw the Spider out it's him. 

Scorpion then exits his hideout and searches for you. 


You walk into the coffeeshop and see Cindy and Ned sitting down. You then walk over to them and sit down. 

Ned: Sup.

Y/N: Sup. 

Cindy: How are you doing?

Y/N: Pretty good. I'm gonna nail that algebra test. 

Ned: Neat. How the new apartment?

Cindy: Pretty good. Could be better but beggars can't be choosers. 

Y/N: So, what have you been up to Ned? 

Ned: Just working on a robotics project stuff like that. 

Y/N: Neat. 

Unknown to you Scorpion was watching the three of you. 

Scorpion: Got ya.

Y/N: So...

Your Spider-Sense then tingles and a car crashes through the window. You tackle Cindy and Ned and the car flies over you. You then help the two of them up.

Y/N: That was weird. 

Ned: What the hell?

Cindy: What's happening?

Scorpion then walks to the cafe. 

Scorpion: Y/N L/N. And he has a girlfriend. 

Y/N: What the hell do you want? 

He then chokes you with his tail and pulls you to him. 

Scorpion: I want you to find your friend Spider-Man. Tell him to meet me at Avengers Tower at 9:00. 

Y/N: I don't know where he is.

Scorpion: Find him. Or I'll poison her and let her die slowly. 

Y/N: If you lay one finger on her...

Scorpion: You'll do what? 

He then slams you into the wall with his tail. Rubble then falls on top of you. Scorpion then looks at Cindy and smiles. She screams and Ned slams a chair onto his head. Scorpion then punches him in the head and knocks him out. 

Scorpion: Pathetic. 

He then grabs Cindy with his tail and runs away. You then break out of the rubble in anger.

You then run out of the coffeeshop and see that Scorpion is gone

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You then run out of the coffeeshop and see that Scorpion is gone. 

Y/N: Time to exterminate this pest. 

You then run home and work on your tazer webs. You finish integrating them into your web-shooters and put on your suit. 

Spider-Man: Cindy got taken because of me. I got to get her back. 

You then jump out of your apartment and swing to Avengers tower. When you reach the tower, you stick to the wall of the building. 

Spider-Man: It's always the tall building. Why does every villain pick the tall building? 

Amazing Spider-Man Male Reader X MCUWhere stories live. Discover now