Kol is frantically trying to remember if you two actually did have sex

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I was sitting on the couch with Klaus, Bekah, Elijah, and Kol. My phone rang, "I could rock your world," I said absentmindedly.

"Ooooh. Tell me more! I mean, I'm totally in!" Damon said. Klaus growled, and I laughed, "Sure...Not. I only have sex with Original vampires."

"How many have you done?"

"Oh, you know, Klaus, Kol—"

"WHAT? I don't remember! No!" Kol whined.

"Remember that really good friend of yours that— "

"I don't have really good friends."


"Don't overestimate yourself. Who are we talking about?"

"Malakhai Parker. Ya know, from the 1990s?" I shot up, "Kai Parker? Are people just springing up from the dead these days? Should I expect to see Leif walk through the door remarking on indoor plumbing? Lexi trying the whup your ass? FINN?"

"Finn's alive."

"Ah, I forget sometimes. With all the DAGGERING!" I said, looking at Nik, who looked sheepish.

"So, Mr. I-want-to-kill-everyone is looking to have a 'good time' as he puts it, and you're a great time! Feeling like babysitting?" I frowned, "Damon, I have better things to do. Matter of fact, I'm very busy."


"Yes. Elijah and I are concocting a plan."

"Hmm. What type?"

"The kind that doesn't involve people who ask what type it is. Go away."

"You're sitting on the couch. Elijah's reading a book while sitting in the red chair, Klaus is behind you, holding you, Bekah is watching this exchange with extreme interest from where she is on a different chair, and Kol is frantically trying to remember if you two actually did have sex."

I blinked, and looked around, "Are you looking through the window?" I asked.

"No. It's a really good guess. Come on, I need a babysitter. He's feeling very murderous. Introduce him to Kol and Klaus! They love murdering people!" I facepalmed, "Wow."

"Hey, when was the last time you asked your husband and brother-in-law for a teensy-weensy favor? Kol likes killing people, and Klaus is indifferent. Please?"

I looked at Kol, who grinned, "I'm in."

"Perfect. Look to your left." I looked and saw him outside the window. My eyes widened, "Oh, you—" I stood and sped for the window.

Once Kai was here, I introduced him to Kol. Now, they left the state.

I sat on the couch and looked at my belly. I was now 6 weeks.

Damon sat next to me, "Hey, aren't you and Klaus technically not married?" I frowned, "Huh. I guess we're not."

He grinned, "He's gotta propose." I groaned, "No way." He bumped my arm, "Come on! Weddings are a blast! Who would be your bridesmaids?"

 I scoffed, "You, Stefan, and Enzo would be my bridesmen. Freya, Rebekah, and Davina would be my bridesmaids." He nodded, "Good."

I leaned on his shoulder, "Can I sit on your lap?" He smiled, "Sure." I sat on his lap and curled my head into his neck, with my arms around his neck.

I woke up to a growl. My vision was blurry, but when it cleared I saw Nik with yellow eyes and black veins under his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly, tired.

"He's upset that you're on my lap, but can't gut me because you're on my lap." I looked at my husband, "Nik, could you lie with me in our bedroom? I'm tired." I stood.

His face went back to normal, and he nodded.

When we got to our room, he lay on his back, and I curled up to his side. He purred and nuzzled his face into my hair.

"I love you," I whispered as I fell asleep.

When I woke up, Nik was asleep. I walked downstairs and found Rebekah.

"Do you think you and Nik will get married?" She asked. I blinked, "Uh, I don't know. We already have been. W-Why?"

"Well, if he was going to propose, he would have to do it now, so that the wedding could be when you're not showing."

"Makes sense. Tiny problem, he hasn't proposed, and he probably won't. And two, how come you're bringing this up?" She sighed.

"He should. You haven't been married in a thousand years, and I love weddings. I loved yours. It was truly spectacular." I smiled, "It was, wasn't it?"

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