I wake up in cars when that happens

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"So, where are we?" I asked as I grabbed a pair of combat boots Davina held out for me. "Still in New Orleans, don't worry, this isn't a rerun of South Carolina."

I sighed, "Perfect. I still don't know how the fuck I got there." Davina shrugged, "If you do, I'll know," She said ominously.

"Is my phone?" I asked. She held it out, and with perfect timing, Damon called. 

"Hello, Damey. What do I owe the displeasure?"

"Why'd you leave?"

"I am now a full-fledged tribrid. I'll be handing out flyers and cookies soon, so come to my monthly meetings and I'll hand out badges."

I heard him clear his throat, "Are you...alone?" I frowned and looked at the others, who were listening intently. "No, do I need to be?"

"Yeah," He whispered. I sighed and sped at least a mile away. "Okay, you're good. What's up?"

"I messed up, Riley, and I don't know how to fix it," He whispered. "I can help. What is it?" He sighed, "Elena's a vampire, and she's sired to me. I really love her Riley, but I don't know if Stefan will forgive me."

"You and Stefan are brothers. There is no one or thing on this earth that can break you two apart. Believe me, I would know. I'm still with these Mikaelsons after everything that has happened."

I sighed, "If you truly love Elena with all your heart, go for it. I never regretted loving Nik, and I still don't even after what happened. Stefan will understand, okay? He will. He may love her, but you guys need to talk and figure things out."

"Okay. Thanks, Riley. I don't know what I'd do without you."

I smiled.

"Bye, Riley."

"Damon? Good luck." I hung up and sighed.

I picked up my phone, "Hey, Davina. Sorry, I ditched. Damon accidentally pissed Enzo off and he's on a rampage. I'll meet you guys back at the compound, okay?"

"Okay. Are you okay? You sound...strange."

I rolled my eyes, "No wonder you're single."


I hung up and slipped my phone into my pocket, running back to the compound. I walked in and sped to a human.

"You will do whatever I ask until the end of time and will not breathe a word of this encounter to anyone." She nodded, "Good. Now, bring me a bottle of bourbon."

She nodded and came back seconds later with bourbon. I drank the entire thing and looked her in the eyes, "Now, where do they hide the bourbon?"

"The cellar." I smiled, "You will not tell anyone about this. Now, go be a good human and go dispose of this discreetly." She nodded and scurried away.

I sighed and sat on the couch, rubbing my temples and humming. I put my hands on my knees and started tapping lightly to the melody.

"Hi, Lori," Freya said. I looked to the side and smiled as the others walked in. "Hi," I murmured.

"Headache?" Rebekah asked. I nodded, "But unfortunately I cannot just snap my neck. I wake up in cars when that happens," I said, shooting a glare at Davina.

"Get over it, Lori. We still accomplished what had to be done for the day." I shrugged and rubbed my temples again.

I sighed, "I'm going to sleep. Davina aggravates me too much to stay awake right now." I stood up and sped to the top of the stairs, then looked back, "Where am I supposed to sleep?"

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