Damon Salvatore, the idiot of Mystic Falls

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I sped outside of the Mikaelson house doors and took a breath. I gathered my courage and opened the door.

Everything looked beautiful and amazing. A waiter came up to me with champagne, "Thank you." I murmured, as I took a sip.

I saw Damon standing ahead of me, and his jaw was practically resting on the floor. 

"Riley?! You look amazing!" I grinned, "Thanks, Damon. You clean up well." 

"Aw, shucks, you're making me blush." I rolled my eyes as I stuck my arm in the crook of his. "So, where are our hosts?" I asked. 

"Right here, darling." I heard Kol say behind me. We turned around and saw the whole Mikaelson entourage.

Damon stiffened, "Thanks for the invite. It's a little stodgy for my taste but--" I snapped one of his fingers before Kol killed him.

Damon rolled his eyes, "It's a lovely party." He said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes. Davina smiled, "You look amazing, Lori."

"Thank you. You look stunning." I took a sip of my champagne, then realized I had finished it.

"Where's Stefan and Enzo?" I asked Damon.

"Flirting." I blinked, "Excuse me?"

"And who's this?" Freya asked.

"Damon Salvatore, the idiot of Mystic Falls." I said while smiling. Damon scoffed, "I think you mean most handsome person alive, but potayto potahto." I rolled my eyes again.

"You look absolutely radient, Lorilynn." Elijah said, always the gentleman. "I hate your hair though" Damon said. My jaw dropped and I was about to punch him when Nik gowled.

"Another word and there will only be one Salvatore left."

"That's not true. There'll be one blood salvatore and one Salvatore by marriage, they just haven't taken my name."

Uh oh.

"To whom?" Freya asked.

Damon turned his head and looked me square in the eye. "Riley."

There was a collective gasp from the Mikaelsons and their entourage, and a few growls.

"That is not true!" I said. He raised a brow, "I have the marriage license, and there was a wedding."

I facepalmed, "When we were DRUNK! SO. VERY. DRUNK! And it was your fault!" He scoffed, "Yeah right. You're the one that said yes."

"And you really think now is the time to bring that up?" I hissed.

"You got married?" Marcel asked.

I groaned, "The year we got out of Augustine, Damon and I went to New Orleans to celebrate. One thing led to another, and I had a ring on my finger."

Davina snickered and I shot her a death glare. She rolled her eyes, "I can't believe you got married! Again!" She started cackling like a maniac.

"I will kill you when I get home." I vowed to Damon. I took my arm out of his and punched him in the stomach. He groaned.

"I am going to go find someone I don't feel like killing." I said, and walked away.

I could still hear Davina laughing.

I walked to the bar. "Glass of bourbon." I compelled the bartender. He nodded and handed me one. I downed it and ordered three more, systematically drinking them all.

"And why are you drinking your sorrows tonight, sister?" I rolled my eyes as Elijah sat next to me. "What do you want, Elijah?" 

"You look beautiful, Lori." 

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