Why am I in your twisted version of a Barbie Dreamhouse?

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I woke up in someone's arms. I looked up and saw Klaus' face. I punched him in the face and jumped away.

I looked around and saw that we were in a different house this time.

"Where the fuck am I?" Klaus stood up and snapped his jaw back into place.

"Our plantation. We're still in New Orleans, just a bit further away, love." 

I sped out of the room and ended up in a living room. All the Mikaelsons were sitting there. Kol looked up and smiled, "Finally, you're awake, sister."

I rolled my eyes and saw that the house was probably from the 1900s. 

"Why am I in your twisted version of a Barbie Dreamhouse?"

"Hilarious," Kol said, still smiling.

"We have decided to give you some time to... see reason." Elijah said.

"Wow. It feels a bit chilly in here. Brrrr." I rolled my eyes and went for the door. It opened and Marcel walked in. 

"Lorilynn Mikaelson! I've heard a lot about you. Tell me something, if Klaus is my adopted father, wouldn't that make you..."

"Not interested?" I added.

"My adopted mother?" He said. 

"In your dreams, Marcel. Now, move." I sidestepped him, only to be stared down by at least 20 vampires.

"I will kill all of them."

He nodded and looked at Kol, "You were right, humanity's definitely off. How do we turn it back on though?"

"I can give you a few years to ponder that. In the meantime, I am going to New Zealand. Or Nicaragua."

I looked him in the eye, "Move" I said. 

"Compulsion won't work. I've been chugging vervain just as much as blood."

"I could always drain you out. Haven't done that since the last time my humanity was off, but I'm sure we can figure it out." I said, chipper.

He sighed and grabbed my arm. I looked down at the hand encircling my arm, then at him, "if you like that arm, and your heart, then you'll remove it."

"Davina, now would be a great time."

A teenage girl stepped out from behind a few vampires.

"Oh great, you brought a snack." I stepped towards her.

She raised her arm and I fell to my knees. I screamed and felt a bloodcurdling pain in my head. I clawed at my head as if I could stop it, but I knew I couldn't. 

"Stop." I managed to get out. She looked at Marcel, who looked at me. "You're gonna have to behave. Can you do that, Lorilynn?"

I stayed silent and felt blood coming out of my eyes, nose, and ears. I screamed again and fell on my back. I twisted on the floor and felt her kick it up a notch.

"Can you do that, Lorilynn?" He asked again.

"Fine. Fine, just make it stop." I breathed out. The pain immediately ceased and I let out a breath. 

"I just gave you an aneurysm, and I can do it again." She said. 

I stood up shakily and clutched a pillar. 

"You know if my humanity was off, I guarantee I would like you. Just like how I like Freya. You must be only, what, 17? How'd you already get caught up in this Mikaelson bullshit?"

"Who are you? Marcel wouldn't tell me."

"Lorilynn Grace. Previously Mikaelson. I was married to the one and only Klaus Mikaelson, and I am an Original vampire. Aparently, I am also a tribrid."

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