Jesus fucking christ! I HATE BEING PREGNANT!

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I woke up and saw Nik with an easel facing my way, his face doused in determination.

"What are you doing?" I asked while sitting up. He shook his head, "I'm almost done. Lay back down."I giggled, "Are you painting me?" I asked. He smiled, "Yes, but not if you keep moving."

"Nik, I will lay down, I just have to pee." He sighed, "Hurry, please."

I chuckled and peed quickly, then walked back to the bed. H sighed and walked over.

He held my hands gently and pushed me to the bed. I rolled my eyes but lay down. He smiled and went back to his canvas. I looked at the red paint he had.

"Whose blood is that?" I asked. He smirked, "The man who stabbed you last night. Kol found him."

I nodded and smiled. Good.

"Nik, can I please see now?" I asked. He shook his head, "Just a few more minutes."

I sighed and sat up. I walked over and stood next to him, looking at the painting.

I smiled. It was me in what I suspect is acrylics, surrounded by blankets and sheets with my hair splayed out on the pillow.

He looked at me, "What do you think?" I looked at him and put my arms around his neck, "I love it. I also," I kissed him, "love you."

He kissed me back when I heard someone yell my name.

I sighed and walked out of the room. I sped down and saw that Damon had yelled. Everyone was sitting at the table. Damon beckoned for me to come over.

I sat next to him and Finn.

I yawned. Damon looked down at my stomach.

"Lori, are you getting fat?" I rolled my eyes and smacked him.

"I'm not showing yet, asshole." He sighed dramatically, "Can you please have triplets? And name the third Damon."

I smiled sarcastically, "Of course, Damon. Let me just pop a few more kids." He grinned and elbowed me gently.

I looked at him warningly, "I can still kick your ass, Salvatore."

"Try me, Grace," He matched my tone.

I heard Elijah clear his throat from across the table, "No fighting, Lori. None. Also, you're on house arrest."

My eyes bulged, "I'm a grown woman. You can't put me on house arrest!"

"Also, she was stabbed here last night," He pointed out. I nodded, "Exactly. Thank you, Damon."

Elijah gave me a look and I sighed, "Elijah, I don't need to be on house arrest. I'll be careful. Besides, Enzo, Stefan, and Damon are going to stay until the bouncing babies are born." Damon raised a brow, "I don't remember agreeing to that."

Stefan elbowed him and smiled at me, "Of course, we'll stay." Damon grinned, "Is there something that can get you drunk without hurting lil'Elijah and Via?" I shrugged, "We can create one if needed."

He grinned.

The food came out and so did Nik.

"Good morning," I said as we all started eating.

I didn't eat much except for a small biscuit.

"Lori, you should eat more. You're eating for three," Davina said. I shrugged, "Well, none of us are hungry."

"You look grey. When did you feed last?" Kol asked. I shrugged, "I think a few days ago. Maybe. I can't remember."

Damon frowned, "Well, I know the solution to such a problem. Let's just go kill some people." Stefan rolled his eyes, "Maybe you could try the animal--"

"Oh, shut the fuck up about your Peter rabbit diet!" Damon and I said in unison. I looked surprised at him, then we both grinned.

"Nice," I muttered. He nodded.

Davina frowned and walked over to me, "You look sick." Freya did the same and put a hand on my stomach, "The babies are fine... You're not."

"I knew it! It's the end! I want my ashes on some hill in Florence, Italy!" I said dramatically. She rolled her eyes.

"Huh. Strange." I shrugged.

"When was the last time you fed?" She asked. I frowned, "I think it was... Yeah, I don't remember. Why?"

"You need to." I sighed, "Do we have any humans just walking around?" I called out. Stefan sighed, "Just try the animal blood."

"Stefan? Give me animal blood or bring it up again, and I will personally chain you up, cement you into a coffin, chain that up, put it in a cargo box, and dump it in the Mariana Trench. So, shut the fuck up and let me do what I was created to do."

He rolled his eyes, "You've tried it before." Damon rolled his eyes and stabbed him in the hand with his fork. Stefan groaned and pried it out.

A human walked in.

"Take this knife, and fill this cup with blood from your wrist." She did that and I drank it.

I spit it out onto the floor and started coughing. I fell to my knees and started hacking out blood. Nik kneeled down, "Freya, what is happening?!"

"Her body's rejecting the blood," She said.

More blood spewed out of my mouth as I coughed. Someone pulled my hair back and I finally finished. I groaned and stood up shakily.

"Yeah, that's morning sickness," Freya said. I took a deep breath. Marcel frowned, "Are you—" I shushed him and held a finger up.

I smiled.

"Jesus fucking Christ! I HATE BEING PREGNANT!"

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