Only weirdos like decaf

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I woke up before any of them and looked at Nik's face. I smiled as he tightened his hold around me. I wiggled away and stood up. I felt Nik's soft hair and twisted it around before walking into the kitchen.

I made a cup of coffee and drank it as the warm liquid made its way down my throat. I sighed and put it down, sitting on the counter. I pulled my phone out and called Enzo.

"Hey, Enzo,"I said as I took another sip of my coffee.

"Hey, Riley. How are you doing?"

I sighed, "You know, I'm good. Things are going good. What about you?" 

"I'm good. Hey, could the Salvatores and I come visit? Stuff in Mystic Falls is getting really annoying and I'n getting sick of it."

I nodded, "Of course. Want me to send down a jet?"

"No. I think we'll take a good old road trip." I raised a brow, "It's a 16 hour drive."

"Well, we gotta sort some stuff out before we dump it all on you."

I chuckled, "So considerate." I heard him laugh, "I know, right?"

"Come down whenever you want. It's been a few days since I've seen you, and I need my Salvatore and Enzo fix."

He laughed, "Okay, Riley. We'll be there tomorrow. See you then."

"Bye, Enzo. Try not to kill either of them, because road trips are a pain in the ass." I hung up and put my phone on in my pocket, finishing my coffee.

I got a text from Stefan and I sighed.

Heard we're coming to see you. I'm glad. Damon and I have to figure some stuff out. Think you can help?

Ae you kidding? I'm the best at drama. I'm always here to talk, Stefarino.

Thanks. See you then, Riley.

I sighed and saw Davina and Marcel walk in.

"Why are the Mikaelsons all on the couch?" Marcel asked. "Had a nightmare, so they all got worried."

He nodded, "Friends coming over?" He asked. I nodded, "Don't worry. One is on the bunny diet, and the other two just do blood bags. Oh, and I made coffee."

Davina smiled and poured herself a cup, "This isn't decaf, right?"

I shuddered, "Only weirdos like decaf." She nodded in agreement and drank her cup.

"Hey, who was that Enzo guy? Your friend," Davina asked.

"He's practically my brother. I love him to death. Why?" She blushed, "He seemed...nice."

I smiled, "He is. Why?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows. "Oh, shut it, Lori." I laughed and smiled. "Fine. I hope you know, I love matchmaking. My brother Leif was dating Tatia, the second doppelgänger, and I did that," I said proudly.

She rolled her eyes and I hopped off the counter. She frowned, "You look grey. Do you need to feed?"

I frowned and looked at my skin, "Huh, that I do. You offering?" She gave me a look.

Davina's eyes widened, and I raised a brow, "What?"

"We missed your birthday!" She exclaimed. I shrugged, "So?" She groaned, "We need to celebrate!"

Marvel nodded, "Let's throw a party here at the compound!" Davina nodded and I groaned, "Birthdays aren't a big deal to me."

She rolled her eyes, "Come on, Lori. Please?" 

I sighed, "Please don't go too crazy. Okay? I don't feel like partying too much." She grinned mischievously and Marcel did the same. 

"Hey, make it tomorrow night. The Brothers Salvatore and Enzo will be here by then." She nodded. I grabbed my phone and saw I had a missed call.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, Lori. It's Elena." I smiled, "Hi, Elena."

"So, I know that Stefan, Enzo, and Damon are coming to New Orleans tomorrow. Could you...just keep an eye on them? Things are tense between the Salvatores."

"I always keep an eye on them, don't worry. Damon once dyed my hair neon green. My guard's always up."

She sighed, "So, you heard about the sire bond and all that?" I nodded, "Yeah. How's that going?"

"It's a little weird. Hey, I have to go. Thanks." She hung up and I sighed.

"Teenagers!" I groaned. Davina rolled her eyes, "You're a teenager." 

"I know!" I cried and facepalmed. "So dramatic," She muttered. "Hey, I heard that!"

"Lori?" I nodded.

"How'd ya meet Marcel?" I scoffed and looked at Marcel, who was grinning.

"I was in New Orleans when the Mikaelsons weren't. It was around the 1920s or 30s, I think. So, I walk into a local bar that is full of vampires. I had been heavily vervained and was recovering, so I wasn't at my usual strength."

I laughed.

"This human thinks I'm too young for the bar, and asks me to show some ID. I was so exhausted that I just punch the guy in the face and sit at the bar. Then, a wolf comes up and flirts with me. I just ignore him, when Marcel comes up. He tells the guy off and pulls me off the chair. He drags me onto the karaoke stage, and funny enough, he chose a song that I had written for an artist. We sing songs all night, and we had the best time, until that wolf came back with his friends. He comes running at us, but all it took was one look at me and Marcel, they turned tail and ran."

I snickered and Marcel shook his head, "I always wondered how you managed to know every song I put on without looking at the lyrics."

I smiled, "Yeah. My favorite part was when the pup came back with his friends. Marcel and I were singing a song, and each looked at him threateningly, then just kept singing. After 10 minutes of waiting for us to react, they got scared and just left. It was amazing."

Davina smiled, "That sounds awesome." I nodded, "Well, I am always awesome."

She rolled her eyes. I felt someone grab my hips and pull me against them. I turned and saw Nik with his head on my head and he moved his arms around my midsection gently.

I smiled and Davina shook her head. I winked at her playfully and she almost laughed.

"Nik?" I asked. "Hmm"

"Marcel and Davina are forcing me to go to my own birthday party tomorrow. Feel like saving me?" He shook his head, "You should celebrate your birthday. It's a big deal."

I pouted, "You're supposed to be on my side." He chuckled, "That wasn't in our vows, love."

"True," Kol said as he poured himself a glass of wine. I scowled, "It's not a big deal. Everyone has birthdays."

He rolled his eyes and took a sip of his wine. I craned my neck to look at Nik, "Oh, and Enzo, Damon, and Stefan are staying here," I said quickly.

He frowned, "Why?" I rolled my eyes, "Because I'm their therapist, and they're also sick of Mystic Falls. Can they stay here?"

"Why?" I gave him a look and he relented, "Fine. Only for you." I smiled and kissed his cheek. I wiggled out of his hold, then smiled at the rest that walked in.

"Who here drinks decaf?" I asked. Rebekah, Elijah, Klaus, and Kol raised their hands.

I looked at Davina, who nodded. "What's decaf?" Finn and Freya asked. My eyes widened and I poured glasses of regular for them.

"Listen to me. Do not let them sway you to the dark side. Decaf is disgusting. Okay?" They nodded and drank the coffee.

"Decaf is not disgusting," Klaus said. I sighed, "Hey, I didn't know I married a decaf-drinker. Now that I do, well..." I sucked in a breath and sighed.

Davina snorted and I snickered.

"Why?" Rebekah asked.

I sighed and locked eyes with Davina, "Because only weirdos like decaf," We said at the same time.

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