Got any twos?

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After I had screamed. I just walked wordlessly to my room, changing into a black t-shirt tucked into black jeans and my signature black combat boots. I pulled my hair into a low pony tail and grabbed a pair of black sunglasses and a baseball cap.

I sped out and down the stairs. I walked into the dining room, and Damon raised a brow, "You going FBI on us?" I rolled my eyes, "No, I'm just going. I'm bored and angry, ergo, I'm gonna go for a run in the forest."

He grinned, "Let's do it." I stuck a finger on his chest, "Nope," I said, popping the p. He looked into my eyes and then sighed.

"Sabrina, we need a humanity turning-on spell." I rolled my eyes, "I'm gonna ride this out. See ya later." I grabbed my phone from the table.

Davina frowned, "Seriously?"

"She did just barf her guts up," Enzo pointed out. I smiled, "You're coming. Let's go, I need to run." He nodded.

"Okay, let's go," Kol said. I rolled my eyes again, "Bye, Kol." He rolled his eyes and I sped out, followed by Enzo. We ran to the forest and just started running and jumping over everything, before settling on a rock.

He looked at me, "Why'd you turn it off?" I sighed, "Being emotional was too difficult. It was too hard to feel all of it, so now I don't have to."

He looked sad, "What about Lijah and Via?"

I shrugged, "They're just fetuses. I can give them to Klaus and be on my merry way."He shook his head. 

"Welcome to the Hotel California," He sang softly. I gasped.

"Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)," He continued.

"Such a lovely face

Plenty of room at the Hotel California

Any time of year (any time of year)" He said, and I smiled

"You can find it here," I whispered. I smiled as I felt my humanity go back on.


"Oh, of course!" He said. I sighed, "Let's go," I muttered. We sped back and walked through the gates.

"I saw a deck of cards." he grabbed it and sped back. We just sat in the middle of the floor and started playing Go Fish.

"Got any twos?" I asked. "Go fish." I sighed, "Fours?" He shook his head. I heard footsteps, "Are you playing Go Fish?" Freya asked.

I smiled and turned around, "Of course," I said simply and went back to playing.

"Any eights?" He nodded. "Sixes?"

"Why?" Finn asked. I turned back and saw that most of the Mikaelsons had also arrived, "Fun."

I turned back but Enzo sighed, "You won. Again." I smiled, "Pay up!" He groaned and grabbed a wad of cash from his pocket, then put it in my hand. I grinned, "Thank you!" He frowned, "Again. Higher stakes."

I raised a brow, "Like what?"

"I want a middle name. For one of your kids." I nodded, "Okay. Lijah Lorenzo does have a nice ring to it." He nodded, "What do you want?"

I grinned, "A favor. That's it." He nodded, "You can cash it in whenever you want." I grinned and stuck my hand out, "Do we have a deal?"

"You're going to change your child's name...on a game of Go Fish?" Davina asked. Enzo shook my head, and we began. 

In the beginning, he was winning, then me, then him, then me, me again, him...

"Tie," I said. I frowned, "What does that mean?"

"You get a favor, and I get a middle name. Compromise." I shrugged, "Why not? Seems fair." I looked behind me, "Is there a chessboard? Enzo has a fancy ring I want."

"OH, HO, HO, no way. That's my family ring. Higher stakes if you want that. Hmm..." His eyes widened, "Oh, I know! I win, and you gotta change your name back to Mikaelson." I shrugged, "Fine."

We sped up to the chessboard. I took out four of his pawns and a rook, but he got three pawns and and both my knights. Then, he had me in Checkmate.

"Fuck," I muttered.

"You lose, Lorilynn Mikaelson."

1000 Years Of Sorrow- Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now