Thirsty? Tired? Bored? Kidnapped?

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I licked my bottom lip and clenched my thighs together even harder. I took one of his sticky notes and made an addition to the map.

"1919, New Orleans; Hiding under alias Riley Fauna. Almost caught her."

I smiled and fixed another one of his other notes pinned to Copenhagen and I was so distracted that I didn't hear Elijah come up behind me and silently watch me.

"New Orleans? This is not your first time here?" I nodded, "I didn't realize you were here. Thankfully, you and Klaus were too preoccupied dealing with Kol stealing some diamond."

"He's been working on this map for at least 200 years. Every whisper of your presence, he would follow. No matter how unlikely, he always searched for you. We all have. For 1000 years."

"You look beautiful, Lorilynn." He said softly. I looked away from the map, "Just like old times, huh, Elijah? Me hiding until the last minute in a green dress. And you coming and escorting me in. Except for the wedding, I was wearing white then."

"You looked beautiful then, too." He said quietly.

"Thank you, brother." I said, barely audible 

"Let us go, they must be waiting for us. You are the guest of honor." I rolled my eyes, "I'm going for the drinks; human and alcohol. Don't get your hopes up."

He shook his head, "As you say, sister." I didn't correct him. We both sped out of the room. Everyone was at the bottom of the staircase and looked up at us as we sped down.

Kol's jaw dropped rather comically, "You look..."

"Thirsty? Tired? Bored? Kidnapped?" I guessed.

"Beautiful. You look beautiful, Lori." Marcel said, his signature carefree grin shining on his face.

"Thank you." I said cooly.

Inside, though, I was anything but.

Davina grinned, "Really?" She murmured.

"Get out of my head, Davina!" I snapped. She shook her head, "I don't know why you do that to yourself. How were you feeling in the closet earlier, again?" My face turned scarlet red and I snapped my gaze away from hers.

"Can we please go?" I muttered. She laughed. Kol, guessing what she was talking about, smirked.

"Need some help with that, darling?" My eyes widened, "Shut up before I make you." I warned.

"How?" He asked curiously.

Rebekah elbowed her brother in the stomach and smiled, "Let's be on our way. The cars are waiting outside right now."

There were two black limousines outside. "Who's riding with who?" Davina asked. "I don't do cars." I said tensly.

"It's a personal preference." I lied. I was fucking terrified of cars, and I hated riding in them, no matter how short the journey or safe the car.

"Scaredy cat. How are you afraid of cars?" I glared at Davina, "I'm not afraid of cars, I just like running more." I said defensibly.

"You can't go by yourself." Finn said while frowning.

"I can do whatever I want Finn. That's a woman's prerogative."

"A woman's what?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and looked at the other Mikaelsons, who had doubtful expressions.

Rebekah spoke, "Finn, Freya, Davina, and Kol go in the left one, and Elijah, Marcel and I will go in the right one. Is that okay?" Rebekah asked.

I nodded and she grinned like the cat that ate the canary, "Perfect. That means you and Nik may run together."

1000 Years Of Sorrow- Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now