Then eat Bambi like Stefan

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I groaned and sat up as I looked around. My breathing stopped as soon as I realized what I was in. I took a few deep breaths and scrambled to the limo door. 

"Shit," Rebekah said.

I cold feel tears run down my cheeks as I took more deep breaths and ran my hands through my hair, pulling stands out.

"No, no, no, no, no, no," I whispered painfully and pushed the door off, throwing myself out of the car. I landed on my back and took a few breaths.

I pulled my hair and counted to 10, then did it 6 more times.

"Lori?" Finn asked. He appeared in my line of vision and held a hand out. I smacked it away and stood. The rest were there.

"Assholes," I said to the boys, "Cunts," I said to the girls, and I looked at the car. I flicked at it and it erupted into flames. I sighed happily as I saw it burn into ash and oblivion.

"We didn't think you'd wake up so soon," Davina admitted. "And, we didn't think it was that bad."

"What? My fear of cars? Yes, it is that bad. You should be grateful I didn't light that thing on fire while you were still in it." Davina nodded, "Thanks, but now how are we going to get to the compound?"

"It's 5 minutes away. We're in the city. Just walk." I started walking and the rest walked with me.

I started humming.

"What song is that?" Marcel asked. I gasped, "I hate you. How do you not know this one?!"

"Just sing it," Davina said. I groaned, "I'm shit at singing."

"Please?" Elijah asked. I sucked in a deep breath.

"Davina, I know you know this, so sing it with me so I don't totally embarrass myself."

She nodded and I started playing the song on my phone. We stopped walking. 


"We're talking away
I don't know what I'm to say
I'll say it anyway
Today is another day to find you
Shyin' away
Oh, I'll be comin' for your love, okay

Take on me
(Take on me)
Take me on
(Take on me)
I'll be gone
In a day or two"

I grinned at Davina and high-fived her. "So, how does the song go?" Finn asked. I groaned and shook my head, "Go choke on a dagger, Finn. Davina, where does Elia live?"

"She works at the tech store you went to." I grinned.

We walked there and I opened the door. I met the eyes of her, and smiled, "You will follow me and do everything I saw until the end of time." She nodded, dazed, and followed as I sat.

"So, vampire and werewolf. Where do I get those?"

"There's a vampire I have chained and vervained up, and I'm sure you want to hunt for wolves yourself," Marcel said. I grinned, "Oh, fuck yes. I still hate them with all of my black heart."

"Perfect. I'll bring the vamp to the compound, you get the human and werewolf." I nodded, "Who wants to go wolf hunting?" I asked. Kol grinned, "I'm in."

"Perfect. Elia, you're going to go to that compound and sit on the floor in the middle of the room. If you move from there, I will tear your arm off. Okay?" She nodded and started walking.

I looked at Davina, "Is being just a witch that fun? You should be a heretic. They're the best." She shook her head, "I don't want to drink blood."

"Then eat Bambi like Stefan. For me, it's just a small price to pay for all the kick-ass abilities I have."

3 hours, I returned to the compound with an unconscious werewolf and my skin, hair, clothes, and every single inch of me covered in blood.

Davina turned and shrieked, "What happened?!"

"Kol was being an ass. Also, we may have killed a few more werewolves than originally thought, but potayto potahto." 

I threw the wolf onto the floor where the human and vamp were.

"So, how does one perform such ceremony?" Davina shrugged and looked at Freya, "I don't know," Freya admitted.

Nik raised his hand, "Also, do you have the moonstone?"

I nodded, "It's in my backpack." I sped up, grabbed it, and walked back down.

I handed it to Freya. Kol instructed Freya what to do and Freya nodded.

It was now night and a full moon, so she channeled and released the power of the moonstone.

"Now kill each."

I pulled out the wolf's heart, stabbed the vamp in the heart with a wooden stake, and got to the human. She looked terrified.

"Are you the devil?"

"No, even the devil fears me." I said and drain her until she died. 

I felt each of my bones break as flames erupted around me and Freya chanted louder. I was on all knees and my head snapped up.

I could feel my canines extend and lines under my eyes as I felt fur grow on all parts of my body, turning into a wolf.

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