Living or dead?

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I lurched upwards and met the eyes of a smiling Davina.

"Why are you smiling like that?" I asked. She giggled, "Your brother was cute"

I rolled my eyes, "Thanks for that. You may have just ruined the best thing that's happened to me in 1000 years, Davina, but no matter." 

She laughed, "Oh, you don't mean that. But look what I found." She said and held up my necklace.

I scrambled and stood up. I reached out for it, and she handed it to me. I fingered the necklace and smiled when I remembered Leif working on it.

"I don't know what to say" I admitted. She smiled, "No worries, Marcel and your in-laws ask me for favors all the time and never say thank you either, but I know you, Lori." She said.

"You know, technically you're older than me" I pointed out. Her smile morphed into a grin. "You're right! Ha!" I rolled my eyes and rubbed the necklace pendant.

I put it over my head and felt where the pendant was put in its correct spot.

"Wait? My bites!" I looked down at my arms and all that was left were my tattoos and tan skin.

I looked around and met Klaus' eyes, "Did you heal me?" I asked.

He shook his head, "You healed yourself after you set the compound on fire." My eyes bulged and I finally realized that I had woken up at the plantation.

"Ohhhhh, yeah. About that... I was a little emotional, so" I said. Kol scoffed, "A little? You crisped me! I think it was deliberate." 

I rolled my eyes and shot water at him, soaking him.

"Hey! Oh, you're gonna regret that!" I squealed when black veins surrounded his eyes. I got up and scrambled away, hiding behind Nik.

Kol stood on the other side of him and snarled. "You look like a wet dog," I said, and Davina snickered. 

He lunged for me but Klaus stopped him, "Kol" He said threateningly. Kol sighed and glared at me.

"Oh, calm down you baby. I can dry you off." I directed some sunlight at him and he immediately dried.

"There, see? No need to get so upset." I said. 

"You're like a child," Finn said.

"Finn, can you do something for me?"


"Get a time machine, become 15, get turned into a vampire, and become bipolar, depressed, and an alcoholic and bloodoholic. After that, tell me how I'm like a child. I think I'm much better than how I was when I was actually 15." I sniffed.

He rolled his eyes, "So childish" He muttered.

I looked at Davina, "How did you get my necklace back?"

"Gropey vampire is a literal idiot. He was trying to bind you to him so he can become the ultimate vampire with an original at his beck and call. I wrangled some of Marcel's goon squad and jumped him. Turns out you're not the only one who hates aneurysms."

I shuddered, "Did you kill him?" She shook her head, "He is vervained in the basement. I thought that you would want the honor."

"Oh, Davina, you just became my third favorite person in the world."

"Who are the first two?"

"Living or dead?"


I sighed, "Freya, for her little dream trick, and Enzo, who's like a brother to me. Now dead, since you're not, are Leif, Lexi, and a woman I met back in the 1990s."

1000 Years Of Sorrow- Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now