Just go kill someone and let all those unnecessary feelings pass

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I ran into a girl. She had honey-blonde hair and green eyes that were tearful.

"What's wrong, honey?" I said. She was at least three feet shorter than me, so I kneeled to get down to her level. She sniffed, "I lost my mom. She went to work today for a rich family but disappeared. Her name was Cleo. Have you seen her?"

She held her phone up. On it was a picture of the human I had killed earlier at the dining table when shit got real with the Mikaelsons. I felt a pang in my heart.

"I have, actually." She perked up. "Really?"

I nodded, "How old are you and what is your name?"

She sniffed again and wiped her nose, "Honey. I'm 6. What's your name?"

"Lorilynn. But that's really long. Why don't you just call me Lori?" She nodded, "It's pretty. Lori. So, where's my mom?"

I sighed. I couldn't tell her.

I looked her straight in the eye, "Your mom went away for a while, but she loves you and always will. You will be at peace with that. You will meet a woman, Camille, in the restaurant over there. You will tell her about me and ask for Marcel. He will help you."

She nodded, dazed, and went in search of Rousseau's.

I smiled. Marcel would find her a family and take care of her.

"That was adorable." I jumped. Kol laughed, "It was. You're still so jumpy."

I sighed, "What do you want, Kol? Come to drag me back? Can't let your prisoner get too far away."

He frowned, "You're part of the family, Lori. You're not a prisoner. We searched for you all these years because we love you and want you to come home. Nik... He's gotten worse with you gone. He needs you. We all need you. Elijah is always saying how you saved this family and how we need you, and he's right. You're our heart, Lori, and we want it back. You don't need to run anymore, you can come back. Nik misses you every day. He flinches whenever you call him Klaus, the same name his enemies deemed him, and not Nik like you used to. It hurts all of us to see you so broken, drinking your sorrow away and turning your humanity off for centuries at a time."

He sighed, "And now finding out you're a tribrid. I can't imagine how you must be feeling, but we're all afraid and care for you. Bekah found the charge on her card. She knows you want to leave tomorrow. I don't know if we can survive any longer without you. I miss my Lori, Lori. We all do. Just, come home."

Tears pooled in my eyes. 

I wanted to come home. Oh, God, I really wanted to. I wanted to joke around with Kol like we used to and play pranks on Elijah by hiding his books. I wanted to talk with Rebekah and do our hair and everything like we used to. I want to get to know Freya and have her help me figure out these other parts of myself. I want to teach and show Finn everything he missed while he was locked in that box, and show him how to experience life.


I want to be embraced by my husband. I want to wake up every morning and see him there beside me. I want to embrace him when I'm sad, and let him take care of me. I want to see all of his paintings and even let him paint me like he used to on cave walls. I want to make a home for us in New Orleans because I know how much he loves it. I want to laugh with him and kiss him like there's no one other than us. I want to see the world from his point of view. I want to kiss him and let the tough exterior he has on melt to show the sweet man I married. I want to do all these things, and I long to. 

For 1000 years, I've had to survive without them, and it's finally taking a toll on me. I miss them. I really, really, miss them.

But after all this time, and what happened to Leif, I don't know if we'll ever be able to go back to how it used to be, no matter how much any of us want to. I'll always have hate for Klaus for what he did, and I don't think I'll ever be able to overcome that, even if my love for him burns me when we're separated. 

1000 Years Of Sorrow- Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now