Chapter 18

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No note here we just getting right into it😜
(S wrote this ch)
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Ivy unbuttoned the shirt that covered Bella's body, revealing the skin and bra hidden underneath when she pulled the cloth apart like a double door. She forced her hands under the bra through the bottom, squeezing the large bosoms within her hands as if they were personal stress balls. "IVY!"
"What's the matter sweetheart?"
"Why are you doing this to me?" Bella lifted her head so her eyes could meet Ivonne's.
"I gotta do what I gotta do to get what I want."
"But do you really have to force this? Why are you like this?" Ivy removed her hands and looked at them.

She turned to the mirror in Bella's room and saw her face, as well as Bella's face, and the time that she almost placed Bella's used dildo into her mouth. "I already know you snuck into my room Ivy. I left my light on before I left to go to my friend's house to study, and when I came back it was off."
"That's because I didn't want the electricity to be wasted."
"Oh really? Then tell me why my bed had wrinkles on it? I made sure that my bed was perfectly flat, but when I came back I saw wrinkles in my sheets, and my drawer was also left slightly different than before. Don't lie to my Ivy, I know you went through my room."
Ivy chuckled, "I find it funny you think I went through your room."

"Ok so then who did?"
"The only thing I did in your room was turn off your light, because-"
"Ivonne I'm studying to be a psych major right now. I'm reading you like a book, and you're revealing a lot of information that you don't want me to know about. The first day we met I could tell you liked me more than a friendly way, and I was stupid for allowing it to continue. I didn't ever think it would get to this point, but apparently I was wrong. Ivy you need therapy, immediately."

"Why do you say that? I'm totally fine, I'm not some psychotic bitch who needs to talk to someone about my personal life." She rolled her eyes.
"You were never loved by your family when you were younger. That's why you're like this."
"Huh? What do you mean I wasn't loved by them? I was the center of their world." She brought her arms to her chest, crossing them defensively as she responded to Bella.
"Ok, try to remember a time when they showed you affection."

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