Chapter 8

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And Ivonne finished her class, making more mistakes than the previous one, cursing herself out due to how much skill she lacked. Ivy wished she were as good as some of the other people in her class, always staring at them and admiring how they were able to make something functional when all she could make was something that broke no matter how many different methods she attempted. Even her teacher was dumbfounded by how bad she was at computer science. She failed every assessment and assignment as everything she tried to make ended up breaking whenever she attempted to use it.

She left the classroom crying, locating the nearest bench outside on the college campus to sit and weep, not giving a care of all the people who might walk by and judge her. She heard a familiar voice ring out, "Hey, Ivy. You alright?" The person had placed a hand on her shoulder prompting Ivonne to look at who it was connected to.
"Yeah, definitely Bell."
"Do you wanna talk?"
Ivy became happy with the request, "Sure."
Bella sat down on the bench next to the other girl, positioning herself to better face Ivonne whose face and eyes were still red from the downpour of tears. "So what's on your mind?" Bell asked.

"Well," Ivy started. "I don't know how much more I can take of this. I'm so tired of failing everything I do in that stupid computer science class. I can barely do anything right I'm so bad at it. The teacher should just throw me out at this point. I could care less." She revealed her feelings about her class.
"Well screw that class then! Maybe it's not meant to be."
"But it is!" Ivy looked deep into Bella's eyes. "I'm supposed to be in this class. It's all a part of the story."
Bella placed a hand on the others which was resting on the oak wood bench. "If you think so, you should continue with it. But be warned, the story doesn't always end how you want it." Bella patted Ivy's hand and stood up. "I gotta get going now." She walked away. Ivy soon left too after having recouperated from her troubles in the class.

Walking around town, Ivy looked for something to do to distract herself from failing her classes. She noticed a hardware store and decided to go in to see if she could be inspired by anything. Walking through the various aisles she looked at the hardware, feeling the various textures and thinking of what she could make. She grabbed some ropes and duct tape, hoping to produce large dream catchers that she would hang from her walls to prove to herself that she actually could do something, instead of failing like she continued doing in her computer science class.

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