Chapter 10

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Ivy is so me Fr -S
S fr gonna b Ivy -T

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The hours she worked flew by as Ivy energized herself to ask Bella to be her girlfriend. She hyped herself up in an attempt to kill the nerves which were exponentially growing. She was jumpy getting onto the bus that would bring her home feeling all the emotions hit her like a train at once. She stared at her phone during the ride, counting down the minutes and second until she would be face to face with Bella, and asking her to become her partner. She thought of Bella's beautiful hair which she always wanted to run her hands through, the big bosoms that sat protruding from her chest which she wanted to motor boat, her big ass that jiggled whenever she walked in leggings, and her pussy which showed as a camel toe through her leggings.

She walked off the public transport at the stop closest to the house where she and Bella resided. Ivy clutched the bag that hung at her side, breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth as an attempt to prevent herself from hyperventilating. She reached the door of their dorm and struggled to put the key into the door as she was shaking so much. The piece of metal eventually entered the other, making a click sound after Ivy had completely rotated the lock to the open position.

She opened the door and removed her key, listening for any indication that Bella was in the house. She creeped in the door, making sure to make little to no noise as she searched for the other girl. "Hello?" She called out. "I'm back!" She fell silent and listened for any response but got none. She saw a note on the counter and read it.
'Hey Ivy. I won't be home tonight, I'm staying over at a friend's place. We're studying for a test tomorrow and we both noticed we're screwed so we're gonna try pulling an all nighter. See you tomorrow! -Bell.'

Ivy's face turned red with anger and sadness. She collapsed on the floor, crying about how she missed her chance with Bella. "How? How could I?" She cried out loud. She stumbled around, trying to grab something to pull herself up from the ground while tears flowed down her cheeks. 'How? How could she!? How could Bella just leave me here, alone. How could she leave me here? I need to speak to someone, anyone. Anyone who can give me advice.' Ivy opened her phone and started searching for people near her location who could help her. She found a self proclaimed psychic who in their advertisement claims they could give accurate tarot readings, give horoscopes, and many more predictive results. Ivy went to the website of the psychic and booked a meeting for the next day, hoping to get some insight on what to do to swoon Bella.

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