Chapter 14

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"So are you from around here?" Ivy asked Arrows.
"No, I'm here for college right now." Arrows responded.
"Oh, me too! What one?"
"The college of colleges. Its name sucks not gonna lie."
"Yeah, it's like they didn't know what to call it so just threw random things together."
"I take it that you go to it as well?"
"Yup. My first year. I'm currently working in computer science because I find it cool, but things aren't going too well sadly."
"Why what's not going well about it?"
"Well, I'm kind of a failure because I can't get anything to work, and when I get one thing to work, it leads to another breaking.

I've tried so hard to get the things I've made to work but every time it just refuses to do what I expect it to do and it's really discouraging."
"Hey, you're not a failure. Maybe you need a different approach to that class. Try expecting the unexpected. It usually works for me whenever I'm making art. I expect for something completely different to happen with my work, but then once I get to the final result it looks like the way that I imagine it turning out to be. This one time I was doing a painting of a dog, but expected for it to turn out like garbage, but in the end it turned out to be a beautiful masterpiece which I got an A+ on.

I find that if you always think you'll do the best then you won't learn from your mistakes, causing you to do worse than you wish you would do."
"Maybe I need to try that." Ivy said. "I usually expect my work to be perfect because if it's not perfect then it won't get me a good grade, but if I expect the unexpected then maybe I might actually be able to get a good grade!" Ivy felt happy about the thought of getting a grade which was one that was of her standard.

The pair continued walking down through the park, taking in the scents of the flowers that were dotted around, as well as listening to the chatter of people who were scattered around, and enjoying the sounds of birds chirping from the trees. After continuing for a while, they came across a band which had a group that had formed around them. They played in a semicircle, sitting on chairs that rested on the brick pavement beneath them.

Around the group was trees that bore pink flowers which beautifully contrasted the color of the brick ground. Ivy and Arrows walked over and listened to the music that they were playing.
Arrows inhaled a little before saying "I love this song. It's love me like that by Sam Kim." He looked into Ivy's eyes and asked her a question. "Could I maybe give you my phone number? I'm asking because I think you're kinda...cute." He blushed saying those words.
"I'd like that."

Ivy smiled as he wrote his number down on a piece of paper, handing it to her so she would be able to contact him.
"I've enjoyed this."
"Me too."
"We'll have to do it again, but I need to sadly get going now." Arrows said with sadness in his voice. "See you soon!"
"See ya!" They waved to each other as Arrows walked in a different direction and Ivy walked back towards her and Bella's home.

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