Chapter 1

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Before we start..we spent like 3months procrastinating writing this, but we finished it😜
And for all for you (yk who u r)  Happy Birthday and good luck reading this Mind destroying book ;)
credits to T for basically writing the whole thing and credits to S forgiving the idea and plot of this story.
Also S wrote chs 6, 11, 16, 17, 18.
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"Wake up," Ivonne Arthur's friend, and roommate, Bella Scott, said as she shook her from her sleep. "You gotta get going or you're gonna miss class." Ivonne rose from her bed giving her a blank look before she realized where she was.
"Oh, thanks. I must've been sleeping good," she said as she lightly laughed to herself
"You sure were! You should've heard your snoring. But seriously, that's the second time this week. You need to get your act together dude." Bella walked out of the room leaving Ivonne to herself as she continued sitting on her bed without moving. She looked at the clock hanging on the wall.
"Shit." She murmured to herself. "Eight-thirty. I should get moving." She rolled her way out of her bed, and walked over to her closet to grab out some clothes. She grabbed out a black shirt, and a dead grass green pair of pants and slipped them on. She put black heart earring in her ears and looked for some shoes to match. She grabbed the black headphones with a skull printed on the side, threw them around her neck, and left her room.

In the living room, Ivonne grabbed her bag filled with all the various materials she would need for her computer science. Even though she was terrible, she still attempted the class because it was of genuine interest to her. Her family laughs at her whenever her grades are brought up due to how low they are. But it doesn't bother her as she continues giving her best. Bella walked up to Ivonne and pulled her into the kitchen. "Here, eat this." She brought her to the wooden table which had a plate full of waffles and syrup, along with a cup of warm hot chocolate.
"Thanks!" Ivonne cheerily responded with a sparkle in her eye.
"You're welcome. But please, start waking up earlier. I won't be here all the time in the morning."
"Yes yes, I know. But it's so hard to. How am I supposed to wake up at this early an hour?"
"Ivonne it's eight-thirty. How are you tired...?"
"I go to sleep late." She shrugged.
"Yeah, at ten!" Bella laughed as Ivonne rolled her eyes. "I gotta get going. Can't be late for my class."
"Have fun." Ivonne said as Bella closed the door. Ivonne finished her food and placed her dishes in the sink.

"It's eight-forty-five, so I'll have forty five minutes until class." She said to herself. Ivonne walked back into the living room then into a hallway where the bathroom was in a door off of.

She started the shower and waited for it to heat up before disrobing and stepping into the warmth. She bathed herself running her hands all throughout her body. She rubbed the curves of her thighs and under her bosoms. She pushed her index finger in between each of her toes, rubbing to clean. She then shampooed her hair, lathering her scalp as she pushed it through her  brown hair.

She stopped the water and left the shower. She grabbed one of the towels that hung on the wall and used it to wick the water from her body. After finishing drying, she re-entered her clothes and brushed her teeth. Ivonne left the bathroom and looked at the clock. "Nine fifteen. Perfect. Just enough time to get to class." She went to the front door and pushed it open, allowing the outside to meet her face to face. She inhaled deeply, and left for class.

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