Chapter 15

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She opened the door and heard, "Hello!" come from a voice inside the house. "I'm back from my friend's house."
"So how'd it go?"
"Well, we don't know. But the stuff that we focused on studying last night...let's just say it wasn't the stuff that was on the exam."
"Oh no I'm so sorry to hear that happened." Ivy showed as much sympathy as she could, knowing that within a few minutes she was going to ask Bella a question that could change their entire relationship.

"Hey, it's natural." Bella shrugged. "You win some, you lose some, and you can never perfectly predict anything. It's how life can go." She sighed and leaned on the counter in their kitchen. "So how has your day off been?"
"Pretty boring. I just studied and got work done." Ivonne purposefully left out the parts where she had gone to the psychic and went to the park with Arrows, hoping to keep Bella from knowing about her external life outside the two of them, as well as how in love she was with the girl who was standing no more than two yards away.

Ivy sat in a chair that brought her head eye level to Bella's voluptuous bosoms. The two of them avoided eye contact as they fell silent with nothing to talk about. The clock on the walls ticks grew increasingly louder as the two waited for the other to do something. The ticks slowed to a snail pace, making Ivy's heart feel like it was beating a thousand beats a minute. She played with her fingers, as well as the ring that sat on her right pointer, as she rapidly thought in her head the perfect way to phrase the question.

Her eyes darted around the room as she thought. 'Hey Bella I've kinda had a crush on you an... no that's not good enough. What about... Bella I've got a question for you. Are you gay?...why do I suck at this. How can I make it sound natural, and not too...pushy?' She groaned inside her mind. 'What if I just like, stand up...aaaaand...say will you date me? Why does it have to be so hard to ask someone out!? Men have it so easy, they don't have to worry because women will flock to them, but me, me!? What woman's gonna wanna date me? The only one who would is that ugly nerd in chess club. And no one's gonna wanna date her ass.'

The silence became too much for Bella as she moved to leave the room. "I gotta go do something real quick."
Ivy snapped up from the chair, and grabbed Bella's arm. She looked directly into her eyes, sweating nervously, and shaking in place. "Wait I have a question."
"What's up?" Bella said as her face made an uncomfortable look to Ivonne.
"Will you go on a date with me?"

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