Chapter 11

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Nvm y'all reading this after T wrote it I was like wtf😀 Ivy is in fact not like me Fr -S
S b trying to lie abt themselves writing this 🙄 -T
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The following day Ivy woke up with puffy red eyes that she could barely open. She looked at the screen of her phone and read the time which was 8:00 AM. She threw her arm towards her bed, as well as her phone, rolling to lay on her side to face away from the device. She sighed and began to cry again. She wept for ten minutes before finally pulling herself together and going into the bathroom. She scanned her face and saw how badly Bella had destroyed how she looked. She started the shower and jumped in, hanging her head from her neck in the process. She allowed the warm water to flow over her body, and let it surround all of her books and crannies. She slowly massaged soap onto her body, and pushed around the suds, moping in grief.

She rinsed it off, and followed up by putting shampoo in her hair, working it to the roots and using the leftover to wash the tips of her hair. She finished her shower, and dried herself to put her makeup on her face. She tried her best to blend the makeup and get the lines to be straight, but struggled as she couldn't stop shaking over the thought that Bella was not at the house. She put on some fresh clothes and grabbed cereal from a cabinet, pouring milk into a bowl then adding the cereal to it after.

She sat in the seat Bella usually would, slouching down to the bowl and bringing the mix of crunchy and soggy cereal to her mouth. She chewed slowly and her eyes made their way over to the semi-closed door of Bella's room. She pushed back the chair she was in and started investigating to see what Bella's room looked like. She only remembered the first day they met when the walls were still bare, but now they were covered in posters of Bella's favorite bands. She had a bureau that had cards from her family standing up on it, as well as a vanity where she did her makeup. Ivy sat down on the corner of Bella's bed, taking everything into her mind.

She inhaled the smell of the room, noticing a floral scent, as well as vanilla. Just the same as how Bella smelt. She noticed the night stand of Bella's room still had a light on, so she reached over to shut it off. When turning it off, Ivy almost fell off the bed grabbing the nightstand for support, causing a drawer to open. Inside of it were various toys for sexual pleasure. Ivy grabbed one that looked similar to the one Bella had used a few days ago and brought it close to her nose. She in hailed a big whiff of the silicone, smelling the tuna smell which lingered on it. She examined it with her eyes, bringing it close to her lips when she looked into the mirror that sat a few feet away from her. She examined what she looked like, and then threw the silicone dildo back into the drawer where it came from and left Bella's room, acting as if nothing had happened.

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