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I went back to the cafe to meet with senju who gave me a knowing smile when she saw me.

"Oh guess the boyfriend finally sent something" she teased while looking at the letter in my hand.
I rolled my eyes but laughed anyway "for the seventh time, he isn't my boyfriend".
"Yea yea, so did he tell you anything interesting?"
"Not really, he was just telling me about how boring his days have been"

"I don't get it tho, why go through all that hustle for sending letters, why can't you just chat or call each others? I get that it's more unique this way but it's also so tiring and time consuming" senju said.
"Well... We aren't doing it because it's unique, we don't have another choice"
"Huh? Why is that? Oh is he really poor and doesn't own a phone?"
"No no, he isn't poor it's just..." I trailed off not know what should I say, is it okay to tell her the truth? The last person who knew about me exchanging letters with a juvie inmate was my friend Haruka and she always thought I was crazy for doing it.

"Come on, tell me it's not like I would go around spreading rumors about you that's childish" she said still waiting for my answer.
I sighed "well he doesn't have a phone that's true, but not because he is poor it's because he is in juvie"
Surprisingly senju didn't react the way I expected her to react "oh why is he there? Stealing?"
"No, not really" I said, I was a bit confused by how chill she is but it made me feel at ease.
"Did he participate in those gambling fights?"
"No I don't think so?" I'm not really sure if he ever got involved in such fights he never mentioned them to me tho.
"Then why is he there?" Her eyes darkened then "don't tell me he raped someone "
"WHAT?! NO! omg no!! He was a delinquent, okay? there were a fight between his gang and another gang then police got involved and he got caught"
"Oh good, if he was a rapist I would have kicked you for talking to him" she giggled "so a fellow delinquent huh? What was his gang's name?"

"Valhalla I think? Wait. Fellow?" I asked in confusion.
"Yea before coming here I had my own gang" she said casually with a smile on her face.
My eyes widened as I looked at the girl, how come this petit girl be a delinquent, and also her personality doesn't fit that of a delinquent at all, but then again Mitsuya also was a delinquent and he doesn't really look or act like one.

Senju started laughing "don't look at me like that, I might look weak but I'm actually really strong and my gang was one of the most powerful gangs as well" she said proudly.

We spent the rest of our time in the cafe talking and laughing I told her about how I met Kazu and she told me stories about her gang.

Two days later:

I exited the cafe after buying two cappuccinos and some baked goods, heading to one of the buildings on the other side of our campus, once I reached the building I took out my phone and checked a certain message.

"Once you reach the building ask for studio C you will find me there"

I looked around for someone to ask for directions that's when I spotted a girl holding some magazines entering the building.

"Excuse me!" I exclaimed to get her attention she looked at me and I asked "could you tell me where studio C is?"

"Oh sure! Take the elevator to the third floor you will find I on the right" she said.
I thanked her and went straight to the elevator.
After a short elevator ride I reached the third floor and as the girls said the studio was on the right.

First thing I noticed is that this place is so different from literature college, it was colorful with fabric laying everywhere, Manniquins scattered across the spacious hall, there were many students in there, some were sketching others were working on said Manniquins and some were taking a break while eating or drinking, it was so lively in here.

I looked around trying to find the person I'm looking for and after a few minutes I spotted him working on a Manniquin at one of the corners of the hall.

I made my way to him and tapped his shoulder, he turned his head around and smiled, he took out the pins in his mouth and quickly fixed the fabric on the Manniquin before turning back at me.

"Y/n! I'm glad you made it here without getting lost, this building is a bit hidden" mitsuya said smiling.
"Well your directions were spot on so I didn't have any problems coming here" I raised my hands showing him the coffee and food "I got you coffee! I wanted to thank you for helping me that day"

"So that's why you wanted to meet me?" He chuckled "you don't really have to thank me y/n, I'm glad we got to meet that day, here have a seat" he pushed one of the stools for my to sit on and took the coffee and pastries from me putting them on a nearby table taking one cup and handing my the other.

"Still I wanted to do something for you" I smiled and eyed the Manniquin he was working on "it looks pretty"
He also looked at his Manniquin "thanks it still needs a lot of work tho".
"It's so flowy and the fabric is so flattering, I like the color too, it will be perfect when you finish it"
He smiled "I hope so, my professor is really.... Strict, she is hard to impress"

"Oh so it's for a project, when do you need to finish it?"
"After two weeks, it's a runway project it will be a big event"
"Oh with models and all that?!" I asked with excitement.
He chuckled "yea it will be a big event, I actually don't have a model yet need to hire one soon"
"Wow, I didn't know such events can be held in our campus"
"You wanna come?"
"Can I?"
"Of course I will give you an invitation when I get them" he then realized something "actually I have a better idea".
"What is it?"
"You can say no if you don't want to but, would you like to be my model, y/n?"

"What is it?""You can say no if you don't want to but, would you like to be my model, y/n?"

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A/n: I'm back from the dead! This was a crazy week lol.
Belated happy Eid to my Muslim readers ❤️ and I hope you enjoyed this chapter, have a great day/night, love you all!❤️❤️

To my dearest Kazutora (Kazutora x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now