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Two weeks later: kazutora's pov:

Two weeks .... Two weeks and I didn't get any letter from y/n, everyday just waking up and waiting, I felt stupid.

This is the longest period without a letter from her since we returned to our weekly letter exchange.

"She is probably still adjusting to college life, it's a whole new experience after all" I tried to assure myself.

"It's far maybe that's why her letter took more time to arrive"

"Not to mention she is also meeting new people, this can make a person busy"

"New people..... Better people..... People who actually have a future..... People like her"

I tried to snap out of it, distracting myself from my dark thoughts.

Y/n won't forget about me, will she?

No she won't, she was here before leaving, she always calls me dearest kazutora, she won't forget me in two weeks.

She can't...
I haven't confessed to her yet.

I took a deep breath and asked the officer to go to the library, staying alone will anly make me think of more bad things.

I took a pen and paper and started mindlessly writing a letter to y/n.

Dearest y/n,

It's been a while and I really miss you, how have you been and how is your new life in college?

Tell me all about it, I want to know everything, did you meet nice friends? What about roommates?

Did you get to meet mitsuya? He is one of the best people I know.... But hey! Don't go be his best friend and forget all about me.

Just know that I'm always here for you, and you will always have a special place in my heart.

I miss you y/n, it might have only been two weeks but I feel like they are more... Way more.

Write me soon okay?
I'll be waiting for you ... Always.


I don't even know what did I write, I didn't want to read what I wrote, I'm not even sure I want to send it.

I spent about an hour in the library then while I was heading out someone called my name.

"Hanemiya! This is for you" said the officer and handed me a letter.

I stood there without moving for a few seconds, staring at the letter in my hand.


I couldn't control my smile and I didn't need to open the letter to know it was hers, I could smell her faint perfume q habit she gained lately that I started to fall in love with.

I quickly went to my cell and opened the letter my eyes following her neat hand writing.

Dearest kazutora,

I'm not sure when you will get this letter but hopefully you get it soon, yesterday I reached my campus, my room is nice and I got paired with a nice girl named senju, she is studying astronomy and I feel like we will be good friends.

Actually yesterday was filled with so many things that I felt like it lasted a month, so let me tell you how my day started, I reached campus with my parents then said my goodbyes to them, then started unpacking my things, after a few hours I decided to take a walk and since you already know how disoriented I can be guess what happened.

To my dearest Kazutora (Kazutora x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now