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Two years later: y/n's pov:-

"Bye Mom, I'm going to the library for a while!" I said while putting my shoes on.

"Okay sweetie, bring me those groceries on your way home" my mom said and gave me a list.

"Okay!" I headed outside making my way to the juvie, "the library" has become my code name for it for two years now, I'm kinda surprised no one had any doubts about it till now.

A lot has happened in the past two years, I'm now in my second year of highschool, I met many new people and the most important thing is that I got much closer to Kazutora, way closer than I expected when I first started sending him those letters.

We talked about anything and everything, past mistakes, present plans and future fears, he never tried to hide anything from me and I did the same, which makes me think that he knows things about me even my closest friends and family don't know, it's like having a diary in form of a friend and what made it work is that no matter what we tell each other there was no judgement at all.

We write letters to each other every week and I go to visit him every month, It has become a habit by now that I don't think I can stop it even if I wanted to.

I stood in front of the juvie building which now became very familiar to me and walked inside, after the regular procedures I sat in a booth waiting for Kazutora.

The said boy entered a few moments later but I was shocked from how he looked like.

Split lip and a bruised eye and he had a some small cuts scattered on his face.

"Holy shit! What happened to you?" I asked.
"I .. fell?" He said with a troubled smile.
I gave him a "are you fucking kidding me?" Look "seriously? You fell? On what a human sized cheese grater?".
He laughed at that but soon stopped when he saw that I was serious and he sighed "fine fine, I had a small fight"

"That" I pointed at his face "doesn't look small to me"
"No, seriously it was a small and actually stupid fight, but I'll have to say that I did the right thing" he said proudly.
I raised an eyebrow at him "the right thing?"
"Yepp! You see there was a new commer at the juvie last week and it's kind of a tradition that new commers get bullied but some of the guys took it too far and the almost broke the guy's skull , I happened to be passing by and the next thing I know I was fighting those guys" he shrugged "so yea I think I did the right thing there, at least till the officers came".

"Well it's good that you stood up for those new commers, but you could have got injured way worse than this, next time just let the officers deal with this, please!"

"Eh, let's hope it doesn't escalate to this next time" he smiled, but I was sure that if this situation repeats he will do the same thing.

Then something else came to my mind "does this mean you got bullied before?"
"First time I got here yes, but i managed to stand up for myself so it didn't take long till they stopped, this time was different tho, everybody here already knew that I killed two people already so they thought of me as the crazy guy they don't want to mess with or better not to talk to at all" he said with a sad smile.

"Okay enough talking about that now, show me the goods already" he said, I looked at him in confusion but then I realized what he meant, in my last letter to him I said that I was nervous because my final test results will be out in a few days and his reply was very comforting to me, he told me that he is 100% sure that I'll get an A in  all my exams since he saw hard I was studying and he knows how smart i'm and he asked me to show him my grades next time I visit him and if his prediction was true I have to fulfill a wish for him and if it was false then he will have to fulfill a wish of mine.

I took out my marked exam papers from my bag and placed them in front of him  "well, I guess you were right Kazu" I smiled, I really got an A in all my exams and this was the first time this ever happened, it made me doubt that Kazu might be a wizard of some sort.

"Yes! Told ya~" he looked so proud at this moment and it made my heart flutter a bit "I need to start bragging about having a super smart best friend"

"Shut up I'm not that smart" I laughed and put the papers back in my bag.
"Well compared to the people I know, you are probably the smartest" he said matter of factly.

I was about to say something when the officer announced the end of visiting time.

Kazutora sighed "damn, those visits should really be longer" and I agreed to that.

But then I remembered something "wait you didn't tell me what's that wish of yours"

"I think I'll save my wish for now" said Kazutora as the officer took him back to his cell.

"I think I'll save my wish for now" said Kazutora as the officer took him back to his cell

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A/n: a little cute chapter for you guys, I wanted to make it longer but I failed 😅

I can't believe TR is coming to an end I'm going to miss the manga so much ❤️

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, have a great day or night, love you all❤️

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