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I sat down on one of the benches I found waiting.

The place I was in was nice, it was like a small park and if I wasn't dying from embarrassment right now I would have actually enjoyed being in such a place.

15 minutes ago: on the phone

"I'm okay thanks for asking, and yeaa about that, I kinda need help".

"Oh sure what's up? If it's something I can help with I'll gladly do" he said calmly.

"Well you see, I arrived today and I just finished unpacking and wanted to go for a walk and well.... I think I got lost"

There was a pause then a chuckle I felt like he tried to muffle it but I heard it, I don't blame him tho I would laugh if I were him too.

"Okay, two questions then, are you still inside the campus and if so can you describe where you are or better can you send me your current location, I happen to be on campus so I can come pick you up"

I panicked "no no! You don't have to come pick me up you can just give me some directions that's all!"

"No no that's okay, I promised I would show you around anyway and I'm free now, so can you send me your location I'm leaving right now."

"Um, okay I'll send you my location now... thank you, Mitsuya san"

"Just mitsuya is fine and you are welcome"

We hung up and I sent him my location and waited till he got here.

Present time:

I sighed for the nth time and at this very moment my phone rang, it was mitsuya.

"Hello?" I said
"Hey, I arrived to your location but I honestly don't know how you look so can you raise your hand or something so I can find you?"

Well It does make sense that he doesn't remember how I look because honestly I don't remember how he looked as well we met for only two minutes that day, all I remember was that he had silver hair.

"Oh yea sure, I'm waving right now, can you see me?" I stood up and started waving my arm.

"Oh yea, saw you!"

After about a minute I saw him, he had a warm smile on his face, he had sleepy purple eyes, a silver mullet and he was overall a really handsome man, he had a calming aura surrounding which made me forget for a second how embarrassed I was.

"You can stop waving now" his smile got even bigger when he reached me.

"Oh" I lowered my arm, I didn't even realize I was still waving, great! Can't wait to replay all this before sleep and die from embarrassment.

"I'm Soo sorry for dragging you here to get me" I said.
"That's really okay, you didn't drag me I came here willingly and besides my dorm isn't really that far from here"

I smiled "I still have to thank you tho".
"No problem, should we get going?"
"I don't think showing you around today is a good idea since you just reached Kyoto today, you must be tired, so do you know the name of your dorm?"

"Oh yes, it's the red dorm" I learned that dorms here are named after colors there were green, white, purple, black, blue and red it was a bit silly but I actually liked it.

"Hmm that's about 20 minutes walk from here, do you need to rest a bit before we go?"
"No that's okay, thanks, I've been sitting for a while I can walk"

"Okay then, this way"

I thought the walk would be awkward but it was actually very nice he told me a bit about life in college and he talked a bit about his major.

"Oh by the way, here" he took out a bottle of soda from a plastic bag he was holding "I thought you might be thirsty"

I accepted the drink "thank you so much!" I bowed my head a bit to him.

"No need" he had another bottle for him and opened it "I actually wanted to ask, how do you know kazutora? Were you in his school?"

"No, not really" I smiled remembering how it all started "it actually started with an assignment" I told mitsuya about the assignment and the letter exchanging then the visits.

"Wow I didn't know teachers can give assignments like that" he said "I have to say you got lucky pairing with someone tame like kazutora, I can imagine many crazy guys in juvie who would have took this opportunity and did something stupid"

Now after looking back and thinking about it, it's true things could have gone worse especially after continuing to message kazutora after the assignment was done, but I don't regret doing, I gained a life companion and if I go back on time I will choose to go the same path again.

Kazu... Even though I just saw him two days ago I truly miss him, I want to tell him about my day, I want to tell him everything that happened today.

I made a mental note to write him a letter when I reach my dorm.

"Can you tell me about kazutora before he went to juvie?" I asked the silver haired man walking next to me.

"Well, I wasn't his closest friend, he was always with our friend Baji, when we first met him he was a very calm person, later he became more loud, he was a strong fighter too" mitsuya ended up telling me a bit of stories about the gang they used to have and soon enough we reached my dorm.

"Here we are, the red dorm" said matsuya smiling.
"Thank you again for helping me" I said shyly.
"Don't worry about it, you already have my number, text me if you need anything" he then turned around to leave.

"See you later, mitsuya!" I called.
He turned around and waved "later, y/n!"

I entered my room and was greeted by some boxes and a girl with white hair trying unpack them.

"Oh, hi! I didn't notice you here! You must be my roommate" said the girl as she made her way to me and extended her hand "I'm senju, I hope we get along well!"


A/n: hey babes this is basically a mitsuya chapter but don't worry kazu is back next chapter ❤️

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, have a great day/night love you all ❤️

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