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Senju scoffed playfully "really? You gonna abandon me now to write a letter?"
I turned in my seat to face her "I'm sorry, I promise I will buy you dinner after I finish this!"
She sighed "okay okay, I'll leave you alone and go for a walk, you better not take the whole day"
"Thank youuuu!" I said while clasping my hands together "hey, do you have your camera with you? The one that produces instant photographs"
"Yea, it's in my back bag" she headed out "you can use it if you want".
"Thanks!" I called out after her.

After senju left I took out a small box from one of my bags that I used to store all of Kazu's letters and after a little search I found it, the little flower origami he gifted me on one of my letters, then I took out the camera and paused while holding the origami and making sure that the necklace he gave me was also visible in the photo.

Not gonna lie taking a selfie with this camera wasn't easy I wasn't used to not seeing myself while taking a selfie bit after a few trials I  was satisfied by the result, I took the photograph and returned the camera back to senju's back bag then started writing my letter.

Dearest my Kazu,

You know you are stupid right? I wanna smack you so badly for pushing me away on the last visit.

But then again I'm also stupid for not noticing your feelings sooner, and for trying to test them, I bet I made the visits stressful for you with my ignorance so I'm really sorry for that, I wanted to know for sure how you feel about me before I say anything cause I don't want things to feel awkward between us.

You are my closest friend Kazu, actually no, you WERE my closest friend right now I can confidently say that you gained another title in my heart, my words might not be as poetic as yours but, if I'm the hint of colour in your gray life then you are the sunshine that guides me whenever I feel lost, you are my peaceful and comfortable home that no matter what happens I want to come back to.

Everything you gave me became like a treasure to me, I kept them safe so one day when there won't be a glass wall between us we can look at them together and remember the old days and how we met.

So Kazu, will you promise to not push me away again? And will you accept my heart to be yours?

Ps: I realized It has been so much time since I gave you anything as a gift and since you don't have a phone I'm giving you a selfie of me wearing your necklace and holding the origami flower, my little treasures from you.

PPS: if I misunderstood your feelings please, pretty please just forget about this letter and burn it.


After I finished writing that letter I felt much lighter, it was like there was a huge stone on my heart and just got lifted.

But what if I really misunderstood and he see us as friends?

I quickly shook my head, nope nope that's not happening and if I misunderstood I will shave senju's eyebrows and then kill myself from embarrassment.

I quickly folded the letter then added the photograph inside the envelope, and left my room to send it.

"Let's see what I can get for dinner"


Two weeks later, kazutora's pov:

"Kazutora, mail" the officer handed me a letter and left.

I placed the letter on my mattress and stared at it, for a second I felt like I will burn holes in to it from how hard I stared.

I didn't expect her to write me a letter so soon after what I did, I was dreading it, I bet this letter will be about how much she hates me and part of me was actually scared of reading it.

I mean what if this letter is about her telling me that we are no longer friends? Or worst that she hates me now and will never forgive me? Not that I would blame her for saying that, I didn't even expect she will stay by my side this long.

"It can wait, I don't need to open it now" I mumbled and placed it under my pillow.

It was already lunch time so I went to eat and maybe after that I can go to the library for a while.

Anywhere but not this cell.

So I spent the rest of the day trying to avoid going back to my cell, either by doing chores or by eating or the library until the officers announced it was time to go to our cells.

The moment I dreaded the most.

With a sigh I entered my cell and sat on my bed contemplating if I should just sleep and open that letter tomorrow, but part of me really wanted to know what did she write.

So after a few moments of thinking I decided to just open it and get it over with, I grabbed the letter and tore it open carefully open and started reading.

I winced once I read the first line, I kinda expected that she wasn't the type to sugar coat her words.

But as I kept reading relief was washing over my heart, the more I read I could feel my heart flutter.

It only took one simple question and I could just feel tears streaming down my cheeks, to realize how much of a coward I was for hiding my feelings and and pushing the person I love the most away from me without even trying to win her heart.

She is much braver than me.

I held her picture in my hand and smiled, she is always so heartfluteringly beautiful, and laughed at her last ps she has no idea how much she actually understands me.

Well I guess it's my turn to show her how much she means to me even though I wanted to do that when I get out of here.

I placed her picture under my pillow and laid down.

But for now I'll just sleep and hopefully I'll dream of a certain beautiful h/c haired girl.

A/n : I'm back babes, I was really busy those few weeks ago, sorry to keep you waiting and I hope you liked this chapter ❤️ love you all❤️

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A/n : I'm back babes, I was really busy those few weeks ago, sorry to keep you waiting and I hope you liked this chapter ❤️ love you all❤️

To my dearest Kazutora (Kazutora x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now